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Anthropoda part 2 lab 28 11 2012 19 40 00 Metamorphism in Arthropoda Growing non reproducing immature Go to Non grwing reporducting adult Metamorphisis type Ametabolous a no Hemimetabolous hemi half o Incomplete metamophosis o Nymph resembles adult o Wings develop outside body o Egg nymph adult Holometabolous complete o Primitive no wings no metamorphosis e g Silverfish o Complete metamorphosis o Middle stage not resemble adult o Wing develop outside drastic change brings them out 1 Classification K Animalia P Arthropoda SP Myriapoda many legs o C Chilopoda o C Diplopida SP Hexapoda 6 legs metamorphosis Know appx C pg 182 Subclass Pterygota o C Apterygota ptey wing wingless ametabolous Ex Silverfish o C Pterygota winged metabolous Grouped into divisions based on incomplete or complete o Division Exopterygota external wings hemimetabolous Order Odonata large membranous wings Dragonflies damselflies Order Orthoptera chewing mouthparts Grasshoppers crickets cockroaches mantids O Isoptera commonly wingless complex social organization termites O Hemiptera true bugs wings form X on back bedbugs stinkbugs O Homoptera wings make a home over back phytophagous Cicadas aphids o Divison Endopterygota internal wing holometabolous O Coleoptera worlds largest Order of animals Elytra front wings that form armor like coverings Bettles fireflies weevils grubs O Lepidoptera scale covered wings Butterflies moths caterpillars larvae O Diptera 1 set flying wings 2nd halteres balance Mosquitoes true flies O Hymenoptera biting mandibles skinny waist 2 Organization organ level tagmatization C Chilopoda flat body look mean C Diplopoda round body look nice C Insecta 3 tagma o Head 6 segments 1 pair antennae o Thorax 3 segments 1 pair legs segment 2 pairs of wings o Abdomen 2 segments 3 Embryonic develop triploblastic eucoelomate protostomes 4 Sym bilateral 5 Skeletal System Exoskeleton ecdysis 6 Movement C Chilopoda 1 pair wlaking legs segment C Diplopoda 2 pair of walking legs segment C Insecta o Modified appendages think about lifestyle 2 pair of walking legs on thorax cool modified mouthparts for diet ex Sucking cutting chewing o flight mechanisms only flying animals besides birds and flying mammals analogy usually 2 pairs of wings membranous Odonata elytra Coleoptera 7 Sensory ventral nerve cord C Insecta o Often fusion of ganglion o Compound eyes ommatidium o Tympanic membranes sense vibrations o Cool mating rituals o 8 Digestions Feeding C Chilopodia predatory with venom and claws C Diplopoda detritovores can be toxic C Insecta o Mouthparts mandible anterior maxilla labia posterior o Head foregut ectodermallly derived mechanical processing proventriculus o Thorax midgut endodermally derived chemical digestion o Abdomen hindgut ectodermally derived o o Malpiphian tubules brown with speckles 9 excretion C Insecta 10 Circulation open hemocoel 11 Respiration C Insecta 12 Reproduction C INsecta o Tracheal system tinsel o Spiracles hosles in body wall o Dioecious internal fertilization o Spermatophores stored in spermatheca o Elaborate courtship behaviors topic Pheromones light flashes stridulation Mollusca 1 Classificicatin 28 11 2012 19 40 00 K Animalia o P Mollusca C Gastroppoda sC Prosobranchia sC Opisthobranchia sC Pulmonata C Bivalvia clams oysters scallops mussels C Cephalopoda octopus squid nautiloids cuttlefish C Polyplacophora chitin C Scaphopoda tusks or tooth shell 2 Organ Organ level Body head food and visceral mass Mantle secretes calcareous shell coveralls visceral mass o Functions in excretion gas exchange reproduction Cephalopoda water jet propulsion C Gastropoda o Single shell UNI valve and not compartmentalized o Torsion twisting body of bilaterally symmetric larval stage 180 degrees Right muscles develop more than left Causes rotation of visceral hump until anus over head Allows space for quick withdrawl into shell Puts sensory osphradium in front Adaptions to avoid fouling Loss of right gill Prosobranchia Detorsion Opisthobranchia Development of lung Pulmanota Coiling of univalve shell Planospiral coiling into single plane Conispiral coiling in cone shape Coiling can be to left sinistral or right dextral Operculum trap door for aperture Apex protoconch oldest part of shell o sub Classs Prosobranchia abalone whelks conchs limpets have shells o sub class Opisthobranchia Nudibranchs sea hares Leave shells behind after hatching Kleptoplasty o Sub class Pulmonata Slugs terrestrial snails Land mollusks Bivalvia o Literally compressed two shell valves Hinge ligament allows shell to open Adductor muscles contracted close shell energy Adductor muscle relax open o Umbo oldest part of shell o No head Cephalopoda o Shell is reduced modified or lost Nautilus shell heavy internal chambered nitrogen gas filled for buoyancy Squid reduced to horny chitinous strip called pen Cuttlefish reduced to cuttlefish bone Octopus lacks shell completely only limited by beak in squeezing into small places Polyplacophora o Many plates 8 valves segmentation o Dorsoventrally flattened Found In rocky places Home scar Scaphopoda o Have foot to bury organism in sand o Mostly sedentary o Mantle wrapped around body and fused into a tube o Small end of tube pokes out into water and has cilia o Cilia and foot movements pump water into shell o 3 Embryonic Dev triploblastic protostome eucoelomate coelom reduced o pericardium reduced coelom around heart rectrum kidneys gonads trochophore larvae o main body cavity hemocoel blood filled sinus o not in Cephalopoda o link to annelida o develop into veliger larvae unique to molluska o 4 Symm bilateral larval stage Gastropoda twisting occurs in adulthood secondary asymmetric Skel Shell pen derived from mantle which secretes the CaCO3 shell Or none Movement Group named after muscular foot pod Cephalopoda crawling on arms swimming with fins water jet propulsion Bivlavia o Sessile oysters o Diggers extend foot between valves and contract longitudinal muscles to shorten foot o Swimmers scallops Quickly open and close valves getting water out to propel around Sensory Nervous 1 pr ventral nerve cords for food 1 pr of dorsal nerve cords for body organs o sensory structures eyes osphradia chemosensory statocysts balance chemoreceptors tactile organs Cephalopoda most advanced invertebrate largest brain o Problem solver o Eye has image formation largest eye in Animalia o Communication Primarily visual Chromatophores reflect emotional states and camouflage Ink sa defense escape agitation

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FSU BSC 2011L - Anthropoda

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