CTE3201 Exam 2 Study guide o A particular color at full value and intensity saturation commonly identified by the name of the color such as red orange or green o Without hue of zero chroma achromatic o Matching well with many or most other colors or shades as white or beige o Lightness or darkness of an object regardless of color o The brightness or dullness of a hue o Changed by mixing a color with its complement o Any color that is greyed down Both white and black are added Hue Value Intensity Tone Shade Tint o Any color with black added o Any color with white added Neutral Monochromatic o The use of only one color Analogous Complementary o Colors are side by side on the color wheel o Colors are opposite on the color wheel o 3 hues equally spaced on color wheel Triadic Split Tetradic o 3 colors complementary o Ex Pink orange green o Colors make a rectangle on color wheel o Ex Red orange green blue Square color scheme o Colors make a square on color wheel o Ex Red blue green golden Primary colors o Red blue yellow o How to achieve them No pigments blended to create these colors original hues o Yellow orange red orange red violet blue violet blue green yellow green o How to achieve them Secondary colors o Orange violet purple green o How to achieve them Orange yellow red Green blue yellow Violet purple red blue Tertiary colors Yellow orange yellow orange Red orange red orange Red violet red violet Blue violet blue violet Blue green blue green Yellow green yellow green Primary colors of light o Emitted directly to the eye o Red blue green Primary colors of pigment o Pigments such as paint or ink o Magenta cyan yellow Monochromatic o Same color variety of value Tint Value o Add white o Darkness Neutral True False o Equal parts of complementary colors o The value is the lightness or darkness of a color True o A complement harmony would utilize side by side colors on a color wheel False Complementary colors are across from one another on a color wheel o The hue of a color is made by adding grey False The attribute of colors that permits them to be classed as red yellow green blue or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors Psychology of color o Simultaneous contrast o Visual acuity Two colors side by side interacting with one another to change our perception accordingly Actuteness or clearness of vision o Successive contrast The complementary color seen after viewing a particular color the after image one sees after seeing a certain color True False o Color after image are negative True o Monochromatic backgrounds makes it more difficult to pick out colors False o Simultaneous contrast means that actual differences in touching colors seem exaggerated True Color forecasting Metamerism the sun Geometric metamerism o Analyzing color trends and provide an interpretation of future seasons o The tendency of color to change with the light source in which it s viewed o Ex two reds may appear to match under fluorescent light but clash badly in the light of o Occurs when two samples match when viewed from one angle but then fail to match when viewed from a different angle o The reason for geometric metamerism is that the spectral reflectance factors of samples often vary when measured at different angles Munsell color theory o A color space that specifies colors based on three color dimensions hue value lightness and chroma color purity o Based on rigorous measurements of human subjects visual responses to color putting it on a firm experimental scientific basis Additive color theory o color from light combines and forms new visual sensations color mixing system in which combinations of different wavelengths of light create visual sensations of color Subtractive color theory o color mixing system in which pigments physical substances are combined to create visual sensations of color Wavelengths of light absorbed by the substance are subtracted Examples o Harmony Red and green o Neutral o Intensity o Shade No color Bright green Dark blue Natural sequencing Unnatural sequencing o colors in order dark grey white o random or irregular order white dark grey Typographical order Architectural order Contrast and adaptation o weight on top darkness is on top getting lighter and it goes down o darker on the bottom and lightness on the top white grey black o effect closely related analogous hues push each other apart yet if you insert the missing intervening color emphasizing similarities an effect called adaptation o a visual element of length it can be created by setting a point in motion o The feeling of organized movement o The movement or natural eye flow by the regular reoccurrence of related elements Line Rhythm Shape o A visually perceived area created by an enclosing line color or value change to define an edge Form o Usually considered a 2 dimensional element o 3 dimensional o Has volume or mass o Solid geometric figures o EX Cubes spheres pyramid 8 aspects of a Line o Pattern path o Thickness o Continuity o Edge sharpness o Edge contour o Consistency o Length o Direction Three types of line o Actual lines Exist in space o Implied lines o Psychic lines Do not actually exist we fill in the blanks No real line not even intermittent points Physical and psychological effects created by a line o Straight Physical Psychological Emphasizes angularity counters rotundity Stiff direct precise dignified tense masculine o Curve Physical Emphasizes body curves counters thinness Psychological Dynamic feminine active youthful unrestrained o Jagged Physical Psychological Emphasizes angularity Abrupt nervous jerky o Wavy Physical o Thick Physical Psychological Emphasizes roundness Feminine soft flowing Adds weight Psychological Forceful aggressive o Thin Physical Minimizes weight Psychological Delicate dainty calm o Continuous Physical o Broken Emphasizes bulges smooth Psychological Consistent sure firm Physical Psychological Emphasizes irregularities Less certain staccato o Dotted Physical Spotty varied Psychological Interrupted playful o Sharp Physical o Shaped o Solid closed Physical o Porous Emphasizes smooth or bumpy area Psychological Definite precise assertive Physical Varies with shape Psychological Complex involved busy Advances boldly Psychological Sure smooth strong Physical Psychological Advances little recedes little Open delicate less certain o Long Physical Emphasizes direction Psychological Depends on the area o Short Physical Psychological Breaks up space Abrupt staccato o
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