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Study Guide for Exam 1 The first exam will consist of 33 multiple choice questions with possible answers A E No books materials or electronic devices of any kind may be brought to your desks that day Avoid Honor Code violations at all costs In order to best prepare for exam be sure to review and understand the following course materials The beginning of international law and the concept of sovereignty Governs relationships b w nations Not dealt with individuals only with o o International Law nations 1648 is when International Law started Called the Treaty of Westphalia Ended 30 Year War Catholics v Protestants Created Classic Model of International Law Sovereignty What is guaranteed under Sovereignty Every Country under International law can govern itself Political Autonomy however it chooses Territorial Integrity Every nation can treat its citizens as it chooses This one is seen as the failure of International Law Every country has the right not to be invaded How treaties are made and how countries can modify their treaty obligations o o Treaties Multi National Agreement 5 Steps to make a Treaty Most UN Proposed Negotiated Can take 15 20 years Signed By Head of State Ratified Legislative body of countries have to give approval President is not just enough U S has additional 5th step implemented Congress must pass a domestic law that brings treaty into force o Number of Ways U S has Found Ways to Avoid Treaty Obligations Reservations Understandings 1 allowed to look at a couple points of a treaty and disagree w those and enter reservations U S always makes a reservation on freedom of speech allows hate speech 2 country defines or understands certain points of a treaty Right to life different in the U S Birth unlike conception in some countries 3 whichever is last in time is what will be determined to every country can look at points in the treaty and state how a When thre is a contract b w a Federal law and a public treaty Last in time rule a 1870 Cherokee Tobacco Case Prior to 1870 U S had treaty w Cherokees to not tax tobacco U S Supreme Court allowed for the taxing we can now change our treaty obligations o These have been safeguards and meant to make treaties flexible for the U S How customary international law evolves how it is defined and examples of it o o o Customs that ripen into law Almost every nation in the world Customary International Law has agreed to be bound by a custom Examples Genocide Slavery Child Labor Torture If a country says a Custom Law on something doesn t bind them than they have to show that it s always done that ex Torture Show it s always used torture Examples of the failures of international law to protect the rights of individuals that ultimately led to the UN Conference at San Francisco 1 1915 Armenian Genocide Turkey Russia Armenian was part in Russia and Turkey Million and half Armenians were killed b w 1915 Mass killing up close and personal by Turkey Debate Genocide 1st reminder in 20th century that sovereignty was suspect 2 1938 Rape of Nanking Ancient capital of China Done by Japanese forces Demanded for Nanking to Surrender 3 month period 150 000 80 000 women raped in those months Saw Racial Superiority s Civilian Killings 3 1941 Atlantic Charter FDR and Winston Churchill recruited smaller nations India Argentina Brazil to help back allies to defeat Hitler Met on a Battleship secretive because of War Issued an 8 point document that the 2nd World War would be a crusade for Democracy and Human Rights called the Atlantic Charter Promised nations these 2 things 4 Buchenwald German Concentration Camp Patton drove over walls and liberated Buchenwald Proved to Eisenhower and Patton that the 2rd Reike was serious 5 1944 Dumbarton Oaks Victorious Powers US Russia China Great Britain the Big 4 What are we going to do as a World community to make sure this never happens again UN was 1st proposed at Dumbarton Oaks Different from today Proposed a Security Council made up of themselves General Assembly made up of all the smaller country s Meet once a year and could only advise Each superpower had a skeleton in its closet USSR Gulags largest political prison in the world No freedom Stalin started these Great Britain Colonies 2nd class colonies 100 s of these colonies Didn t want to give freedom to these colonies Churchill USA Genocide we had committed Genocide against the native Americans Jim Crow Systematic Discrimination against segregation Divide by race China The one country that wanted Human rights at the forefront Security Council US USSR Great Britain The compromises that went into the UN Charter Treaty b w the nations in the world Two new groups Women Eleanor Roosevelt Minorities NAACP Smaller western countries didn t back the larger countries Belgium Poland felt sympathetic for smaller countries of the world The achievements of the UN Charter Recognized Individual Rights up to this point no individual law in International law o o Mentions Human Rights but not defined no enforcement mechanisms o Created the UN Human rights safeguards still lacking after the UN Charter Eleanor Roosevelt Head 18 members 3 levels of challenges Philosophical Where do Human Rights come from Religious Believers God o o Natural Law Came from Nature o Governments Conception or Birth Obligations of Government Political Negative Rights School of Thought List of things governments can not do Torture etc o o o Characterized Western Countries Rights Civil and Political Rights Don t cost governments any money to get Freedom of Speech etc Positive Rights o Governments were required to do o o o o Characterized Eastern Countries USSR etc Right to a job healthcare etc They cost money and require the government to do something Economic Social Rights Legal Will it be binding or aspirational Int law Binding agreement Covenant Statement of general purpose that is aspirational Declaration The two general types of rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights o o Prosecute Genocide Prevent Genocide The significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the modern human rights movement o o o o o o o The current structure of the United Nations Role Powers of the UN Security Council and General Assembly o Security Council 11 members 5 permanent Big 5 has veto power USA USSR GB China France All 5 have to agree with the course of action General Assembly appoints another 6 who are not permanent Security Council is given the primary task by the UN of maintaining

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FSU CCJ 4938r - Exam 1

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