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Parazoa Radiata Eutametazoa Bilateria Protostomia Lophotrochozoa Phylum Porifera Cnidaria Ctenophora Platyhelminthes Nemertea Rotifera Gastrotricha Acanthocephala Entoprocta Examples sponges Comb jellies Tapeworms and flukes Rhynchocoela Nemertina ribbon worms Ribbon shaped worms belly hairs intestinal endoparasites of fish birds mammals Eumetazoa Radiata Eumetazoa Bilateria Eumetazoa Bilateria Protostomes Lophotrochozoa Gnathiferans Protostomes Lophotrochozoan Protostomes Lophotrochozoan Gnathiferans radial Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral hydroids jellyfish sea anemones and corals bearing stingers Eumetazoa Radiata radial Hydrozoa Scyphozoa Staurozoa Anthozoa Cubozoa Tissue level 2 layers ectoderm and endoderm diploblastic Eumetazoan N A N A Lineage Parazoa Types Symmetry Classification Organization Asconoid Syconoid leuconoid asymmetrical Hexactinellida Demonspongiae Calcarea Based on spicules Cellular level No layers Mouth formation Cleavage Development N A Tissue level 2 germ layers diploblastic Organ level triploblastic bilateral Turbelleria Trematoda Monogenea Cestoda 3 tissue layers Triploblastic ectoderm endoderm and now mesoderm Blastopore becomes mouth Protostome Spiral cleavage None Acoelomate Schizocoelous coelom formation Protostome Coelom N A N A Acoelomate Pseudocoelomate Pseudocoelomate Pseudocoelomate Acoelomate No gut gut is U shaped with both mouth and anus opening within ento GVC of Digestive Openings Locomotion None sessile Single opening aka GVC Slow GVC One opening Free swimming Move via ciliated Ciliated Glide over swimming or sessile Ctenes substrates with cilia Sensory Nervous system Osculum gemmules Nerve net Like rotifers but no eyesp ots have sensory eyespots bristles and papillae small sensory protrusions Nerve net Nematocysts nerve net rhopalia statocysts ocelli in scyphozoan medusae None Diffusion Gastrovascular canal in scyphozoan medusa Hydrostatic skeleton Monoecious and dioecious Sexual gametes in polyp or medusa planula and asexual polyps by budding fission GVC Intracellular Sequential hermaphrodites Both sexual and asexual Asexual budding fragmentation and gemmules regeneration Sexual spawning Filter feeders Intracellular None Diffusion Diffusion Respiratory Circulatory Simple diffusion with environment water None diffusion cell to cell Collar cells choanocytes Support Spicules and spongin Gastrovascular canals Diffusion Open circulation No system none none Reproduction Monoecious monoecious Mostly dioecious dioecious Hydrostatic skeleton Dioecious Parthenogenesis Unisexual reprod females produce young without fertilization asexually Similar to rotifer but lack corona and mastax and eyespots Bristles hermaphroditic both parthenogenetic asexual sexual reprod cellular epidermis and longitudinal muscles dioecious some monoecious some protandrous first are male produce sperm later are female and produce eggs Feeding Incomplete gut Single opening complete digestive tract Ciliated corona bring in food eversible proboscis with circular crown of ciliated epidermal cells and gland cells mucus Circular and longitudinal muscles Lateral and transverse nerve cords glanglia Diffusion Closed circulatory system a first 2 simple lateral contractile blood vessels no heart epithelial cells Circular and longitudinal muscles Simple brain flame cells simple sense organs ladder type system Cephalization sense organs nerve center in an anterior or head position Diffusion Muscular Longitudinal and circular Mostly monoecious with internal fertilization some transverse fission Asexual fragmentation and regeneration And sexual mouth anus a 1st proboscis and stylet predators Complete gut Separate mouth anus tentacles for feeding spines that penetrates host s intestines absorb nutrients across integument digestion and Extracellular digestion Carnivorous capture prey with tentacles Medusa and polyp stages None diffusion Life cycle Excretory Habitat None simple diffusion with environment water Aquatic marine Mouth pharynx intestine Mouth is midventral Intra and extracellular digestion except tapeworms Osmo regulatory strucutres protonephridia flame cells Aquatic moist terr parasitic Aquatic marine marine Mostly marine Protonephridia True excretory role protonephridia tubules with flame cells Some have protonephridia protonephridia Eumetazoa Bilateria Protostomia Nematoda Nematomorpha Annelida Anthropoda Onychophora Tardigrada Ecdysozoa Echiura round worms horsehair worms Earthworms leeches Spoonworms joint foot animals velvet worms water bears Lophophore Ecbysozoa Protostomate Ecdysozoan Evolutionary relationship uncertain Protostomes and lophotrochozoans Descended from polychaete Ecdysozoan outer cuticle is molted Lophotrochozoa Phoronida Type of tube worm Brachiopod a lamp shells resemble molluscs clams Lophophore Phylum Examples Ectoprocta Bryozoa Lineage Types Lophophore Lophotrochozoa n Symmetry Classification Bilateral Most are free living some are parasitic Bilateral Roundworms hookworms trichina worms pin worms filarial worms all pathogens Bilateral C Polychaeta Family Sabellidae and Siboglinidea C Oligochaera C Hirudinea Bilateral Subphylums Trilobita extinct Chelicerata Classes Merostomata Subclasses Eurypteria Xiphosurida Pycnogonida Arachnida Order Araneae Opilionidae Scorpiones Acari Crustacea Myriapoda Hexopoda organ Blastopore becomes mouth Spiral Coelomates Organ Protosome group where blastopore becomes mouth Psedocoelomate Eutely cell consistency every organ has same number of cells tripoblastic 2 four bands of only longitudinal whip like movement organ Blastopore becomes mouth Spiral Coelomates Schizocoelous coelom formation trochophore larva Either direct young adult emerges or indirect with ciliated trochophore larval stage 2 2 Longitudinal muscles Hydrostatic skeleton Circular and longitudinal muscles Hemocoel true coelom is reduced maybe possess a true coelom but reduced have primarily a HEMOCOEL need more developmental evidence 2 4 pairs of unjointed legs ending in claws Organization Mouth formation Cleavage Coelom Blastopore becomes anus mouth forms secondarily Radial coelom Development Tripoblastic protosomes of Digestive Openings Locomotion 2 Complete U shaped digestive system ectoprocts are sessile and most live as colonies of many zooids colonies can be encrusting thin sheets or stoloniferous branching plant like or even gelatinous Sensory Nervous Nerve ring surrounds Nerve ring a ring of ganglia around the Ganglia Ganglia Ventral nerve

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FSU BSC 2011L - Phylum Comparison

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