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IQ Test aka Stanford Binet Intelligence Quota Test mental age actual age 100 IQ of 130 or more is gifted IQ of 70 or less is disabled Robert Sternberg s three types of intelligence a Convergent analytical crystallized thinking arriving at one right answer We test these with multiple choice tests b Practical contextual thinking applying this knowledge to the real world c Divergent creative fluid thinking coming up with many different ideas We test these with RAT random assortment tests 1 We also call this brainstorming 2 Evaluation is listed at the top of Benjamin Bloom s educational taxonomy because true genius involves having to reject bad ideas instead of just picking good ideas 3 Productivity and creativity are linked Extremely creative individuals are also just really productive which allows them to both hone their skills and just get lucky more often Howard Gardner expanded on this with 9 types of intelligence 1 Musical 2 Visual Spatial 3 Verbal 4 Logical Mathematical 5 Kinesthetic 6 7 8 Naturalistic 9 Existentialist Intrapersonal Interpersonal Cognitive Language Motor Socio Emotional Adaptive Spearman s g general intelligence is often used as a refutation to Gardner s theory the people who naturally excel in multiple things Another refutation is the Flynn Effect the fact that test scores go up with each year Bayley Scales of Infant Development 1 to 42 months though this doesn t really translate super well to adult intelligence Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children ages 6 to 16 and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence ages 2 to 7 are similar to IQ test but with nonverbal performance measures Kids who are late talkers fall into two categories 1 People who are just fine as adult talkers Maybe they re late talkers because they re uncomfortable or have trouble relating to others etc 2 People who have genuine learning disabilities mental conditions With intelligence tests we often have problems with them because they 1 Might not be valid even if they are reliable 2 Might get different scores if the language it s given in is not the test taker s first language When tests are not valid 1 You didn t study for it or you didn t do the right thing 2 How long it takes to process test information might be related to language 3 Hungry 4 Tired 5 Self fulfilling prophecies can play a role This can be influenced by stereotypes about gender race and ethnic groups 9 biases for us to know about 1 Anchoring also known as focalism or the focusing effect we tend to place too much importance anchor on one piece of information disregarding other factors 2 Availability heuristic also known as fluency we tend to think something is true or more common just because of how easy it is to come up with a salient example 3 Hyperbolic Discounting also known as the present bias When you believe you will make better choices in the future but never do in the moment due to immediate rewards 4 IKEA effect when you value something you put together more than actual quality 5 Loss aversion also known as sunk cost effect it is harder to give up on something that you ve already acquired or spent significant time and money on already 6 Mere exposure effect you like something simply because it is familiar 7 Normalcy Bias also known as the Black Swan Effect failing to plan for something which has never happened before 8 Optimism bias also known as wishful thinking or positive outcome bias A tendency to overestimate the likelihood of favorable outcomes Eg So you re saying there s a chance 9 Zero sum bias A tendency to assume that for you to succeed someone else must fail that the task is a zero sum game

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Purdue PSY 23500 - Chapter 9 Child Psychology

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