Symmetry asymmetrical asymmetrical Protista PHYLUM SUBCLASS CLASS COMMON NAME Organization Development Support Movement Sensory Food Excretory Circulation Respiration Ciliophora Ciliates cell Protozoa Sarcodina Amoebas cell plasma membrane pellicle plasma membrane tests esp Radiolaria cillia heterotrophic cytostome mouth diffusion diffusion diffusion pseudopodia heterotrophic phagocytosis diffusion diffusion diffusion Reproduction binary fission conjugation binary fission conjugation Other Notes 2 nuclei Paramecium Protista Protozoa Apicomplexans Euglenozoa Sporozoa Flagellates cell cell asymmetrical asymmetrical asymmetrical Unikonts Amoebas and Slime Molds Plasmodial Cellular cell complicated life cycle plasma membrane pseudopodia individual cells moving with pseudopodia plasma membrane pellicle plasma membrane pellicle none body ungulation parasites piercing organelles for host tissue diffusion diffusion diffusion flagellae heterotrophic autotrophic containig diffusion chloroplasts diffusion diffusion binary fission conjugation binary fission conjugation Plasmodium Gigantic amoeba branched structure to increase SA Aggregate of cells Unikonts Porifera Calcarea Oldest cell asymmetrical Porifera Demospongiae Middle Hexactineliida Newest cell most leuconoid cell parenchymula larvae sessile adult parenchymula larvae sessile adult sillicous spicules spongin collagen mesohyl pinacocytes outside wall sillicous spicules spongin mesohyl pinacocytes outside wall 3 4 rayed calcium carbonate spicules Sessile swimming larvae cells move within sponge filter feeding through ostiae out osculum diffusion none but do respond to stimuli Water is sucked into central chamber atrium spongocoel through porocytes containing ostiae pores filtered by diffusion choanocytes and then shot out the top osculum diffusion diffusion sexual monoecious and diecious choanocytes as sperm and oocytes from ameobocytes They join to form parenchymula that settles down asexual budding gemmules fragmentation leuconoid Look like hexagonal wicker chair pattern Unikonts Radiata Hydrozoa Polyps Obelia Man O War Fire Coral Scyphozoa Jellies tissue diploblastic epi gastrodermis planula larva radial with aboral oral ends Cnidaria Anthozoa Sea fans whips corals anemones Staurozoa Cubozoa box jellies circular longitudinal muscles jet propulsion mesoglea circular longitudinal muscles jet propulsion in nerve net medusa phase mouth GVC extracellular digestion cnidocytes trap prey by discharging nematocysts diffusion shit and eat with same hole diffusion diffusion sessile sessile circular longitudinal muscles jet propulsion sexual mostly dioecious asexual budding fragmentation pedal laceration conspicuous polyp phase little medusa phase vellum in medusa obelia exhibit polymorphism siphonophores colonies of organisms sexual dioecious asexual budding fragmentation pedal laceration sexual dioecious asexual budding fragmentation pedal laceration little polyp phase conspicuous medusa phase NO vellum ONLY polyp phase ONLY polyp phase have 8 tentacles ONLY medusa phase Have 4 tentacles Unikonts Radiata Bilateria Ctenophora bioluminescent comb jellyfish Platyhelminthes Lophotrochozoans Turbellaria Flatworms Cestoda Tapeworms Trematoda Endoparasitic Flukes organ triploblastic protostomes acoelomates no nematocysts capture prey with glue like colloblasts monoecious bilateral cephalized mesenchyme circular longitudinal transverse muscles ocelli auricles cilia ganglia nerve mouth muscular ladder pharynx branched GVC no anus flame cells diffusion diffusion use scolex to attach to host Rostellum is the hooks mouth NO digestion use acetabulum to attach to host mouth with little sensory ability oral ventral sucker branched GVC no anus sexual monoecious asexual regenerative powers sexual monoecious LOTS of offspring asexual regenerative powers sexual monoecious many offspring asexual regenerative powers many have complicated life cycles Unikonts organ triploblastic protostomes acoelomates bilateral cephalized Bilateria mesenchyme flame cells diffusion diffusion Platyhelminthes Lophotrochozoans Acoelomorpha Monogea Single Host Nemertea Lophotrochozo Ribbon Worm ans Oligochaetes Polychaetes Annelida organ organ triploblastic protostomes acoelomates bilateral reduced cephalization bilateral cephalized organ triploblastic protostomes eucoelomates Have schizocoelous coelom formation coelom formed by splitting mesoderm bilateral cephalized true segmentation septa AND annuli metamerism prostomium head peristomium neck pygidum anus New metameres form between pygidum and last metamere attach to fish via opisthaptor mouth no gut mesenchyme longitudeinal circular muscles Muscular proboscis complete digestive system puts prey in protonephridia rhyncocoel hydrostatic skeleton collagenous cuticle lots of setae parapodia neuropodium few setae peristaltic notopodum bottom motion cerebral ganglia double ventral nerve cord ganglion per top peristaltic everscible pharynx muscular pharynx segment motion aciculum complete digestive complete digestive support rod closed circulatory closed circulatory system system metanephridia metanephridia system system dorsal ventral blood dorsal ventral blood diffusion diffusion vessels hemoglobin vessels hemoglobin dioecious clitellum trocophore larvae mostly monoecious trocophore larvae know notopodium neropod ium dorsal ventral foot THIS IS THE STUPID JAR OF WOOD TUBES know the typhlosole pharynx spermatheca 4 white balls gizzard nephridium brown squiggles prostate shrimp intestine Unikonts Bilateria Annelida Echiuria Hirudinea Bivalvia clams oysters Prosobranchia Gastropoda Opisthobranchia Mollusca organ triploblastic protostomes eucoelomates Have schizocoelous coelom formation coelom formed by splitting mesoderm organ organ protostome triploblastic eucoelomates bilateral cephalized external segmentation just annuli bilateral bilateral cephalization hydrostatic skeleton collagenous cuticle cerebral ganglia double ventral nerve cord ganglion per no segmentation spoon proboscis no setae peristaltic anterior sucker for motion feeding posterior sucker for attachment closed circulatory metanephridia complete digestive system system dorsal ventral blood diffusion vessels hemoglobin 2 calcarous shells secreted from mantle calcarous shell secreted from mantle operculum calcarous shell secreted from mantle foot foot siphon CNS ganglia dorsal ventral nerve cords complex sensory organs siphon gills filter feed complete digestive system
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