FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE Fall 2012 HIS3464 People Places Things Terms You will not be asked to identify the items below per se but familiarity with them will be necessary for a top score on the final exam Enlightenment Scientific philosophical societal political revolution from the mid 1600 mid 1700 includes French and Haitian revolutions Inspired by new scientific and philosophical thought Immanuel Kant knowledge through reason Descartes David Hume needs empirical assumptions for knowledge Newton Ren Descartes Broke away from skepticism of scholastics Used reason to explain the world premised on the separation between the physical world and human mind joined by god Used mechanics and practical applications to make sense of the world No empty space vortices moved together Mechanical Philosophy The belief that nature and living things are like simple machines Comte de Buffon Taxonomies of animals Writes scientific natural history book with descriptions and illustrations catalogues all of he known world Needs physical truth Believed in a very old earth Everything with a genus shared a common ancestor That ancestor was spontaneously generated Isaac Newton Laws of Motion Went to Cambridge studied mathematics considered a genius Made the reflecting telescope was in the Royal Society wrote 2 books Theory of light and color Laws of motion law of gravitation Established by Isaac Newton Law of inertia force mass X acceleration for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction Also created the law of gravitation Theory of Color and Light Established by Isaac Newton white light was composed of all colors separated white light into different color spectra using glass pyramid Created the color wheel Aristotle Love Canal Plato Believed change was possible in reality 4 elements earth water air and fire Earth at the center of the universe no void space planets within spheres of ether Movement was always towards rightful place but external forces can move object Toxins in water causing deformities cancer in a suburban neighborhood Believed change was possible in the sensory world Believed in Demi urge Hippocrates Hippocratics Greek view of medicine They reduced magical and supernatural explanations from medicine stressed prognosis knowing what will happen to a patient with different diseases medicines They believed in balancing the humors to achieve good health Carl Linnaeus Studied Aristotle in Sweden created taxonomy of medical information and plants genus order class kingdom created binomial nomenclature Got his students to gather plant species from around the world Didn t believe in change every species existed and had places in nature according to a divine plan Charles Darwin Questioned and observed nature Found fossils Realized there was no logic to nature Traveled to islands saw that animals were different than from the animals on the mainland Ex Turtles having different features Came up with natural selection survival of the fittest Variation within species Differential reproduction survival heredity character of a species changes over time survival of the fittest Natural Selection Thomas Malthus Came up with struggle for existence That was the idea that reproduction would exceed food supply and therefore a struggle for existence would occur and make human progress impossible Eugenics The science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics The growth of the eugenics movement focused on public attention on heredity as a source of degenerate characters in the human population Military Industrial Complex A concept commonly used to refer to policy and monetary relationships between governments and their defense systems Uses science and technology for warfare Johannes Kepler Came up with first planetary laws His laws were completely empirical Believed that the planets moved in an elliptical orbit Used geometry to explain why things were the way they were Believed hat mathematics under laid the universe and that it provided insight to God Social Darwinism The theory that individuals groups and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals Advocated by Herbert Spencer Used to justify political conservatism imperialism and racism and to discourage intervention and reform Preformation genetics The idea that whatever was going to come into being already existed Used as a way to describe how genes can be passed on Tiny babies existed in female sex organ and needed sperm to grow to full size Served religious utility and used Cartesian mechanical philosophy The belief that the earth has been affected in the past by sudden short lived violent events Catastrophism Copernican cosmology Believed that the sun was in the center of our solar system and that all the planets orbit around it Heliocentric Model Copernicus separated astronomy explained movement from cosmology explained arrangement of universe Skepticism Descartes Descartes replaces skepticism of the sense and human reason with certainty He used mechanical explanation along with a premise on the perfection of God to prove that the soul was immortal Silent Spring A book written by Rachel Carson The book is widely credited with helping launch the contemporary American environmental movement The book documented detrimental effects of pesticides on the environment I think therefore I am Rene Descartes said this The simple meaning of the phrase is that someone wondering whether or not he or she exists is in and of itself proof that something an I exists to do the thinking Vortex Rene Descartes s view on the universe The universe was made of vortices which were compelled to move because matter is incompressible When one thing moved all other things moved because they are connected Explained movement of planets and left room for God God would explain who first compelled the vortices to move Society of Jesus Established by the church created schools that stressed mathematics logic physics metaphysics and ethics Universal gravitation universe Describes gravity Binomial nomenclature Newton s law that states that every mass in the universe attracts every other mass in the Created by Linnaeus Every species has two names A type of taxonomy Jardin du roi King s Garden Jardin des plantes Botanical Garden Garden in France that grew medicinal herbs Buffon worked on natural history here Energy Industrial revolution James Clerk Maxwell
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