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HLTH 354 CHAPTER 8 THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEMS WORD ROOTS OF THE HEMATOLOGICAL SYSTEM Blood has three main types of cells cytes RBC erythrocytes WBC leukocytes Platelets thrombocytes ROOT EXAMPLES NOTES WORD BLOOD coagulation coagul o anticoagulant coagulopathy clot thromb o thrombocyte thrombosis blood cell hem o hemat o cyt o white leuk o vein phleb o ven o LYMPHATIC SYSTEM lymph lymph o hemolysis hematology erythrocyte thrombocytosis leukocytes leukemia phlebotomy venospasm lymphadenitis lymphoma bone marrow spine blood condition myel o myelitis myelodysplasia emia anemia leukemia tonsils tonsill o tonsillitis tonsillectomy spleen splen o splenomegaly splenectomy thymus thym o thymoma thymectomy immune system deficiency immun o penia immunology immunoglobulin cytopenia Coagulo refers to the blood s ability to form clots It comes from a Latin word coagulum which comes from the world of cheese making The bloodS ability to clot can be both lifesaving life threatening When the body is wounded clotting enables the body to stop bleeding begin the healing process The average sized man has almost 6 quarts of blood in his body The average sized woman has almost 4 quarts Cyto comes from a Greek word meaning jar or basket Leukocytes which are white blood cells act as the bloodstream s police force and garbage collectors The term phlebotomy comes from phlebo vein and tomy incision Lymph comes from a Latin word meaning water or spring and refers to a clear liquid that circulates in the body providing nutrients to cells and removing waste from them This root comes from a Greek word meaning the innermost part and is used in medicine to refer to two different things bone marrow and the spinal cord emia comes from a combination of hemo meaning blood and ia meaning condition The tonsils are masses of lymphoid tissue located in the back of the mouth at the top of the throat The word tonsil comes from the Latin word meaning almond no doubt because of its appearance The spleen is an organ in the upper left portion of your abdomen One of its jobs is to filter old red blood cells out of your blood The thymus is an organ found at the base of the neck Its name is derived from the herb thyme The immune system is the body s defensive system against foreign invaders penia comes from a Greek word meaning poverty or famine SUBJECTIVE Patient History Problems Complaints BLOOD Term anemia ah NEE mee ah ecchymosis eh kih MOH sis hematoma HEE mah TOH mah hemophilia HEE moh FEE lee ah hemorrhage HEM oh RIJ petechia puh TEE kee yah reperfusion injury REE pir FYOO zhun IN jir ee LYMPH Term lymphadenopathy lim FAD eh NAW pah thee lymphedema LIMF ah DEE mah splenalgia splee NAL jah splenodynia SPLEE noh DAI nee ah Definition reduction of red blood cells noticed by the patient as weakness and fatigue large bruise mass of blood within an organ cavity or tissue condition in which the blood doesn t clot thus causing excessive bleeding excessive blood loss small bruise injury to tissue that occurs after blood flow is restored Word Analysis an emia no blood condition from Greek for to pour out hemat oma blood tumor hemo phil ia blood love condition hemo rrhage blood burst forth from Latin for freckle or spot re per fusion injury again through pour Definition any disease of a lymph gland node used to refer to noticeably swollen lymph nodes especially in neck swelling caused by abnormal accumulation of lymph usually in the extremities pain in the spleen pain in the spleen Word Analysis lymph adeno pathy lymph gland disease lymph edema lymph swelling splen algia spleen pain spleno dynia spleen pain OBJECTIVE Observation and Discovery BLOOD Term anisocytosis AN ai soh SAI toh sis elliptocyte ee LIP toh SAIT elliptocytosis ee LIP toh SAI toh sis embolism EM boh LIZ um embolus EM boh lus erythrocyte eh RIH throh SAIT erythrocytosis eh RIH throh sai TOH sis hematopoiesis heh MAH toh poh EE sis hemolysis hee MAW lih sis leukocyte LOO koh sait leukocytosis LOO koh sai TOH sis leukopenia LOO koh PEE nee ah macrocytosis MAH kroh sai TOH sis microcytosis MAI kroh sai TOH sis myelopoiesis MAI eh loh poh EE sis neutropenia NOO troh PEE nee ah normocyte NOR moh sait oligocythemia AW lih goh sih THEE mee ah pancytopenia PAN SAI toh PEE nee ah phagocytosis FAY goh sai TOH sis poikilocytosis POI kih loh sai TOH sis polycythemia PAW lee sih THEE mee ah Definition condition characterized by a great inequality in the size of red blood cells oval red blood cells condition characterized by an increase in the number of oval shaped red blood cells blockage in a blood vessel caused by an embolus mass of matter present in the blood red blood cell Word Analysis an iso cyt osis not equal cell condition ellipto cyte oval shaped cell ellipto cyt osis oval shaped cell condition embol ism embolus condition em bolus in throw erythro cyte red cell erythro cyt osis red cell condition hemato poiesis blood formation hemo lysis blood breakdown leuko cyte white cell leuko cyt osis white cell condition leuko penia white deficiency condition characterized by large red blood cells macro cyt osis abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells formation of blood cells increase in the number of white blood cells deficiency in white blood cells breakdown of blood cells white blood cell condition characterized by small red blood cells micro cyt osis formation of bone marrow deficiency in neutrophil normal sized red blood cell deficiency in the number of red blood cells deficiency in all cellular components of the blood process in which phagocytes a type of white blood cell destroy or eat foreign microorganisms or cell debris condition characterized by red blood cells in a variety of shapes excess of red blood cells large cell condition small cell condition myelo poiesis bone marrow formation neutro penia neutrophil deficiency normo cyte normal cell oligo cyt hemia few cell blood condition pan cyto penia all cell deficiency phago cyt osis eat cell condition poikilo cyt osis various cell condition poly cyt hemia many cell blood condition immature red blood cell the root comes from its netlike appearance red blood cell that assumes a spherical shape cell that helps blood clot also known as a platelet deficiency in the number of platelets clot cells increase in the number of platelets clot cells blockage of a vessel embolism caused by a clot that has broken off from where it formed capable of producing a blood clot the formation of a blood clot blood clot

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