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HLTH 354 CHAPTER 12 THE URINARY AND MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS ROOT EXAMPLES WORD WORD PARTS OF THE URINARY SYSTEM glomerulus plural glomeruli glomerul o glomerulopathy glomerulonephritis NOTES kidney renal pelvis urine nephr o ren o pyel o ur o urin o nephrology nephritis renal failure pyelonephritis pyelitis urology hematuria stone lith o bladder cyst o vesic o Lithiasis Lithotripsy cystotomy cystitis vesiculotomy vesiculitis urethra urethr o ureter ureter o opening meat o urethrostenosis urethritis ureterocele ureterectomy meatoscope meatal stenosis WORD PARTS OF THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM balanorrhea balanitis penis balan o epididymis epididym o epididymotomy epididymectomy testicle prostate orch o orchi o orchid o test o testicul o prostat o orchitis orchiopexy anorchidism testitis prostatitis prostatomegaly sperm sperm o spermat o sperm i aspermia spermicide spermatocele Glomerulus comes from a Latin word little ball and refers to the little balls of blood vessels inside the kidney These serve as the primary place for filtering the blood to form urine Kidneys perform the necessary task of filtering the blood at a rate of 200 quarts per day Pyelo is a root meaning pelvis There are 2 things that the pelvis can apply to the skeletal pelvis renal pelvis Healthy urine is completely sterile and contains ammonia molecules The ancient Romans to use urine in two ways to wash clothes and to whiten teeth Kidney stones aren t stones instead they are accumulations of mineral salts and calcium When completely full the urinary bladder is roughly the size of a softball and can hold about 18 ounces of liquid The length of the urethra differs depending on sex The average male urethra is about 8 inches long and the average female urethra is 1 5 to 2 inches long Ureters are the thick walled tubes about 10 inches in length that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder Meatus comes from a word meaning to go through it means opening The English word permeate comes from the same term The root balano comes from a Greek word meaning acorn this is an allusion to the shape of the tip of the penis The epididymis an oblong organ that sits on top of each testicle is the place where sperm cells complete their final level of development and are stored You likely noticed right away that one of the main roots for testicle is similar to the word orchid The prostate is an organ in the male reproductive tract that surrounds the urethra The name prostate breaks down into pro before and state stand and literally translates to mean the one that stands before or in front of Sperm from Greek for seed is produced in the testicles It takes roughly 10 weeks to produce a single sperm Sperm can sit in the epididymis for as long as 2 weeks before being ejaculated SUBJECTIVE Patient History Problems Complaints URINARY TRACT Term anuria an YUR ee ah Definition lack of urination Word Analysis an ur ia no urine condition cystalgia sis TAL jah pain in the bladder cyst algia bladder pain cystodynia SIS toh DAI nee ah pain in the bladder cysto dynia bladder pain cystoplegia SIS toh PLEE jah bladder paralysis cysto plegia bladder paralysis dysuria dis YUR ee ah painful urination dys ur ia bad urine condition enuresis EN yur EE sis involuntary urination from Greek for to urinate hematuria HEE mah TUR ee ah bloody urination hemat ur ia blood urine condition incontinence in CON tih nentz inability to control urination in con tinence not together hold nephralgia neh FRAL jah pain in the kidney nephr algia kidney pain nocturia nok TUR ee ah nighttime urination noct ur ia night urine condition nocturnal enuresis nok TIR nal EN yur EE sis oliguria aw lih GYIR ee ah nighttime involuntary urination low urine output nocturnal enuresis nighttime involuntary urination olig ur ia few urine condition polydipsia PAW lee DIP see ah excessive thirst poly dips ia many thirst condition polyuria PAW lee YUR ee ah excessive urination poly ur ia many urine condition pyuria pai YUR ee ah ureteralgia yur EE ter AL jah pus in the urine pain in the ureter py ur ia pus urine condition ureter algia ureter pain urethrodynia yoo REE throh DAI nee ah urethrorrhea yoo REE throh REE ah pain in the urethra urethro dynia urethra pain discharge from the urethra urethro rrhea urethra discharge urocyanosis YUR oh SAI ah NOH sis blue urine uro cyan osis urine blue condition urodynia YUR oh DAI nee ah painful urination uro dynia urine pain MALE GENITALIA Term balanorrhea BAL ah noh REE ah orchialgia OR kee AL jah orchidoptosis OR kih dop TOH sis orchiodynia OR kee oh DIH nee ah priapism PREE ap izm Definition discharge from the penis Word Analysis balano rrhea penis discharge testicle pain downward displacement of a testicle orchid ptosis testicle drooping orchi algia testicle pain testicle pain persistent and painful erection condition orchio dynia testicle pain from ancient Greek minor fertility god named Priapus who is always shown with a large and permanently erect penis OBJECTIVE Observation and Discovery URINARY TRACT Term albuminuria al byoo mih NUR ee ah azotemia AZ oh TEE mee ah azotorrhea AZ oh toh REE ah azoturia AZ oh TUR ee ah cystorrhexis SIS toh REK sis dipsogenic DIP soh JIN ik glucosuria GLOO koh shur EE ah glycosuria GLAI koh shur EE ah hyperkalemia HAI per kah LEE mee ah hyponatremia HAI poh nah TREE mee ah ketolysis kee TAW lih sis ketonuria kee toh NUR ee ah meatal stenosis mee AY tal steh NOH sis Definition protein in the urine excess nitrogen in the blood excessive discharge of nitrogen excess nitrogen in the urine rupture of the bladder creating thirst sugar in the urine sugar in the urine excessive potassium in the blood low sodium in the blood breakdown of ketones presence of ketones in the urine nephroptosis nef rop TOH sis nephrosis neh FROH sis uremia ur EE mee ah ureterocele yoo REE ter oh SEEL ureterolithiasis yoo REE ter oh lih THAI ah sis ureterostenosis yoo REE ter oh steh NOH sis urethrospasm yoo REE throh SPAZ um urethrostenosis yoo REE throh steh NOH sis downward displacement of a kidney kidney condition urine in the blood hernia of a ureter presence of stones in a ureter narrowing of a ureter involuntary contraction of the urethra narrowing of the urethra Word Analysis albumin ur ia protein urine condition azot emia nitrogen blood condition azoto rrhea nitrogen discharge azot ur ia nitrogen urine condition cysto rrhexis bladder rupture dipso genic thirst creating glucos ur ia sugar urine condition glycos ur ia sugar urine

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