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HLTH 354 CHAPTER 11 THE GASTROINTESTINEAL SYSTEM Root Word UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM mouth or o stomat o Example Notes oral stomatosis gums tooth togue stomach gingiv o dent o odont o gloss o lingu o gastr o gingivitis gingivostomatitis dentist odontalgia glossopathy hypoglossal sublingual gastritis gastropexy esophagus esophag o esophageal esophagitis LOWER GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT intestines enter o duodenum duoden o gastroenterology dysentery gastroduodenoscope duodenectomy jejunum jejun o jejunotomy jejunitis ileum colon large intestine Ile o col o colon o ileotomy ileitis colorectal carcinoma colitis colonoscopy colonectomy Sigmoid colon sigmoid o sigmoidoscope Rectum rect o rectoplasty rectitis Anus an o anoplasty anal fistula Anus and rectum proct o proctology proctitis Most people tend to chew on the side of the mouth that corresponds to the hand with which they write This root comes from the Latin word for gums The enamel on the outside of the tooth is the hardest thing in the human body The strongest muscle in the human body relative to its size It must produce a new layer of mucus every 2 weeks or it will digest itself The esophagus is a tube that connects your mouth to your stomach The average adult has over 20 feet of intestines The small intestine is divided into three sections duodenum jejunum and ileum The duodenum is the first of the three sections the second of the small intestine s three sections third of the small intestine s sections The colon starts at the bottom of the abdomen remember that s where the ileum ends and is divided into three main sections the ascending going up colon the transverse going across colon and the descending going down colon At the end of the colon before the rectum begins Rectum is Latin for straight and refers to the final portion of the colon before it arrives at the anus The anus is the sphincter or muscle at the end of the intestines that allows for the passage of feces The root ano refers specifically to the anus and the root recto refers specifically to the rectum but procto refers to both the anus and rectum 1 WORD SUPPORTING STRUCTURES DIGESTIVE ORGANS saliva ROOT sial o EXAMPLE sialoadenitis NOTES bile gall abdomen bladder duct liver bil i chol e abdomin o celi o lapar o cyst o biligenesis cholelith abdominocentesis celiopathy laparoscope cholecystogram cholecystectomy doch o choledocholithiasis hepat o hepatic o hepatitis hepaticotomy pancreas pancreat o peritoneum peritone o pancreatitis pancreatolith peritoneotomy The average human produces between 1 and 3 pints of saliva a day Substance produced in the liver that is required for the body to digest food Laparoscopic surgery is a way to perform surgery on the abdomen without making lengthy incisions Once bile is produced in the liver some of it is stored in the gallbladder a small organ about the size of a pear that s located under the liver Bile leaves the liver through numerous bile ducts The liver which is located on the right side of your abdomen just below your rib cage is the largest organ in the human body except the skin it can filter more than a liter of blood every minute The term pancreas comes from two Greek words pan all and kreas flesh The peritoneum is a membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers most of the abdominal organs 2 SUBJECTIVE Patient History Problems Complaints UPPER GASTRO TRACT Term aerodontalgia ER oh dawn TAL jah aphagia a FAY jah dentalgia den TAL jah dyspepsia dis PEP see ah esophagalgia eh SAWF ah GAL jah eupepsia yoo PEP see ah gastralgia gas TRAL jah gastrodynia GAS troh DIH nee ah gingivalgia JIN jih VAL jah gingivostomatitis JIN jih voh STOH mah TAI tis hematemesis HEM at EM eh sis hyperemesis HAI per EM eh sis odontalgia OH dawn TAL jah odontodynia oh DAWN toh DAI nee ah stomatitis STOH mah TAI tis stomatodynia stoh MAT oh DAI nee ah LOWER GASTRO TRACT Term constipation KAWN stih PAY shun diarrhea DAI ah REE ah dysentery DIS en TER ee enterodynia EN ter oh DIH nee ah hemorrhoid HEM oh ROID rectalgia rek TAL jah Definition tooth pain caused by exposure to air pain in the esophagus inability to eat tooth pain bad digestion good digestion stomach pain stomach pain gum pain inflammation of the mouth and gums vomiting blood excessive vomiting tooth pain tooth pain mouth pain inflammation of the mouth Word Analysis aer odont algia air tooth pain a phagia no eat dent algia tooth pain dys peps ia bad digestion condition esophag algia esophagus pain eu peps ia good digestion condition gastr algia stomach pain gastro dynia stomach pain gingiv algia gum pain gingivo stomat itis gum mouth inflammation hemat emesis blood vomiting hyper emesis over vomiting odont algia tooth pain odonto dynia tooth pain stomat itis mouth inflammation stomato dynia mouth pain Definition difficulty passing feces Word Analysis from Latin for to crowd together passing of fluid or unformed feces another name for diarrhea pain in the intestines inflammation of the veins surrounding the anus rectal pain dia rrhea through discharge dys enter y bad intestine condition entero dynia intestine pain from a Greek word referring to veins likely to discharge blood rect algia rectum pain 3 SUPPORTING ORGANS Term cholecystalgia KOH lay sis TAL jah jaundice JAWN dis icterus IK ter us sialorrhea SAI ah loh REE ah OBJECTIVE Observation and Discovery UPPER GASTRO TRACT Term gastromalacia GAS troh mah LAY shah gastroparesis GAS troh par EE sis gingivitis JIN jih VAI tis gingivoglossitis JIN jih voh glaw SAI tis glossoplegia GLAW soh PLEE jah odontoclasis OH dawn TAWK lah sis stomatogastric stoh MAH toh GAS trik stomatosis STOH mah TOH sis LOWER GASTRO TRACT Term anophony an AW foh nee flatus FLAH tus hernia HER nee ah steatorrhea STAY at oh REE ah Definition pain in the gallbladder yellowing of skin tissue and fluids caused by increased levels of bilirubin in the blood another name for jaundice excessive salivation Word Analysis chole cyst algia bile bladder pain from French meaning yellow from Greek for jaundice sialo rrhea saliva excessive discharge Definition softening of the stomach partial paralysis of the stomach inflammation of the gums inflammation of the gums and tongue paralysis of the tongue breaking of a tooth pertaining to the mouth and stomach mouth condition Word Analysis gastro malacia stomach softening gastro paresis stomach partial paralysis gingiv itis gum inflammation gingivo gloss itis gum tongue inflammation glosso plegia tongue paralysis odonto

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