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Physical traces wearing dirty clothes for days at a time child smells lunch boxes with moldy food anything left behind by abuse or neglect that you can Abuse infliction of harm physical and emotional Neglect failure to properly care physical and emotional physically see sexual infants have sores or cuts walking oddly bruises pattern need to interfere and report deeper pathology child doing to themselves Emotional traces knowing things go inside child being very shy or violent inappropriately saying things like you are so sexy hyper vigilant very aware of your surroundings timid anything left behind by abuse or neglect that can be seen through behavior or emotion cid 127 Mandated Reporting jobs where you have report suspected abuse or neglect Intellectual Disability Adaptive Functioning 1 conceptual 2 social 3 practical Biological factors 1 infection 2 metabolic disorder 3 genetic 4 prenatal 5 injury trauma Treatment behavioral techniques reinforcement shaping cid 127 modeling Communication Boards for children who do not have communication skills teach children to make simple request cid 127 Global perspectives lack of well trained therapists in LAMI countries cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127

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DREXEL PSY 225 - Abuse

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