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Causes for Mood Disorders Adult based Theories Developmental Psychopathology Approach become consolidated 1 Beck maladaptive negative views of self world future children are more negative than counterparts 2 Seligman learned helplessness children through repeated experience of events come to believe they have no control over events in their lives 1 Based Organizational perspective Werner 1948 developmental is seen as early processes becoming more finely tuned and specific while subsystems 2 If early challenges are not resolved in one system integration may not occur creating a lag that has knock on effects for other systems 1 organization then consists of poorly integrated component systems 3 Compensation is possible and changes in environment may lead to improvement in prognosis Transactional model depression 1 concentrates on continuity rather than cause continuity depressed parent and child has low PA but no difference in NA 1 biopsychosocial emotional cognitive family community influences child 2 bidirectional influences acts back on child Factors enduring transient potentiating protective 1 genetics enduring potentiating protective low SES potentiating transient enduring 2 3 low parental involvement enduring transient potentiation 4 marital conflict enduring transient protective 5 large family network enduring protective 6 school system enduring potentiation 7 predisposition of left hemisphere under activation enduring potentiation Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 1 lets patient know about their maladaptive cognitions and address their issues 1 psychoeducational activity scheduling 2 cognitive appraisal and self talk 3 self monitoring challenging automatic thoughts 4 relaxation social skill training 2 can be done in game atmosphere learning emotional language and describing 3 Child should gain insight from self monitoring taught the possibility of alternate thoughts 1 interpersonal psychotherapy place importance of role on social relationships in depressive symptoms discuss key relationships or disruptions to signify 2 play therapy elicits unresolved conflicts and emotions of which child is unaware but projecting emotions relieve stress dealing with conflicts in a safe environment enables child to gain insight into their emotions and conflicts 3 group therapy social skills training in group setting child is able to see impact of depressive behavior on others to hopefully increase insight and improve Treatment options importance of relationships social skills 4 family intervention can facilitate any type of intervention parents have significant impact upon child behavior cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127

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DREXEL PSY 225 - Causes for Mood Disorders

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