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Significant planning cities and places why they are significant a city may be significant for more than one reason such as major events plans acts court cases etc 1 New York first city 2 Levittown first suburbia a Family life b Loans that made homes affordable 3 White City Start of the City Beautiful movement a Electricity b 4 Plan of Chicago Inspiration for planners a Part of the city beautiful movement b Defined what a plan should be c City created a planning commission d No housing sanitation or social issues e No public participation mechanism for revision review a High density subsidized housing in yonkers neighborhood b The city forced them to move some of the subsidized living to other areas 5 Philadelphia Savannah DC a Gridiron pattern 6 Riverside neighborhood a Gets rid of gridiron idea b Open space reform 7 Yonkers 8 Venice Florida walking cities a Planned community i Street pattern ii Transit Public rec Civic art b Neglected Housing Citizen participation adaptability 9 Radburn NJ a Designed for motor age b Not completed due to depression c Garden city d Also Columbia MD and Reston VA 10 Letchworth eng a First garden city 11 Mugler vs Kansas compensation b Regulated use a Upheld Kansas prohibition law that forced closing of brewery without c Loss imposed through exercise of police power to protect the health or safety of a community required no compensation a Police power nuisance b Brickyard in LAs developing outskirts brickmakeris forced to shut down 12 Hadacheck vs Sebastian by the city 13 Euclid vs Ambler a Upheld Zoning as police power not a taking b Euclid Ohio had ordinance that prevented Ambler Realty Co from building a commercial structure in a residential area c Euclidian Zoning segregation zoning traditional zoning vs more flexible zoning 14 Bove vs Donner Hanna Coke Corporation a Nuisance b House knowingly built in industrial area bove called the Coke plant a nuisance but people living in this area must accept a higher threshold of nuisances a Regulating historic preservation is allowed due to public welfare of the 15 Penn Central vs NYC police powers b Owner wanted to build structure on top of penn station Denied claimed that because building could not be destroyed or developed above the value that had been taken c Supreme court found in favor of the city air rights Reform movements their importance Sanitation o Stormwater drains became cesspools water carriage sewer systems o John Snow mapped cholera outbreaks and shut down the contaminated well o Olmsted incorporated sanitation design into planning by contouring the land for drainage Water movement less mosquitos and disease Urban Open Space o Ventilate city open space is the lungs of the city Central park riverside neighborhood lake ella tom brown Housing Reform o Housing quality for the urban poor o Legislation for mandating standards Codes permits o 1901 Tenant Housing Act Ventilation and light Fire safety courtyards Civic Improvement and City Beautiful o White city sparked the movement o Aesthetically pleasing cities Plantings paved streets sidewalks parks etc Civic Art movement City Beautiful o Fusion of Art Architecture and planning URBAN DESIGN o Stemmed from Europe o Municipal art civic improvement landscaping o Concentration on things municipal gov had control of Street public buildings public spaces o Led to white city Led to birth of modern planning from the Chicago plan The legal basis of planning and regulation Constitutionality important US amendments and substate s designation of power Police power eminent domain a taking a nuisance rational nexus Court cases significance not really specifics Planning tools how tools work together Planners Toolkit Research Design Land Use Communication Law Theory Geography Architecture Technology Economics Community Development Environment Housing Needs Cultural Understanding Psychology Vision Zoning A tool of land use regulation that is established in the comprehensive master plan Eminent Domain is the public taking of private property with just compensation compensated at fair market value o Road widening o Urban Renewal o Economic Development Taking o Physical or regulatory action o The taking of property for a trivial purpose non public use will not hold up in court benefits need to be linked Police Power o The right of the community to regulate the activities of private parties to protect the interests of the public Health Safety Public welfare Tenth Amendment The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively or to the people Powers to zone are based on the interpretation of the 10th Amendment Proper Public Purpose Due Process Conceptuality and content of a Comprehensive Plan Vision GOPs intent purpose Comprehensive Land Use Planning Subdivision Zoning regulation criticisms display flexibility Future Land Use FLU Other controls legal etc Private Communities Balkanization To divide a region or territory into small often hostile units Full time work at minimum wage is not enough to afford a one bedroom apartment Private clubs tennis courts etc Works against ideas of wider integrated community Homelessness Lack of affordable housing Public policy Urban renewal and Gentrification are causes Comprehensive Plan Basic plan for the development of a community Master plan Lays out the future of what a city is to be Expresses community desires Protects the city legally Research Visioning Formulation Implementation Review Research o DATA Demographics GIS Environmental Issues o Clarification of goals Meetings and forums Visioning Formulation o GOP Means VS Ends Goals Want Objectives What Policies How Implementation o Plan is only good if its implemented o Planning tools Capital investment Budgets Land use controls Review o Changes made to plan o 10 20 year plans 5 years scheduled updates Review o What works what doesnt Constant changes as necessary Amendments disasters Goals of Plans Health o Water sewer density o Separating land uses o Banning certain industry o Beautification Public Safety o Sufficient roads o Height restrictions o Pedestrian o Flooding Transportation o Personal o Pedestrian o Mass public o Congestion Infrastructure o Water sewer electric o Police fire EMS o Schools o Libraries o parks Fiscal Health o Cost burden on community School parks police fire ems o Impact fees Applicant paid exactions Economic o Economic departments often separate o Promote

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