Nutrition Exam 4 Study Guide Chapter 11 Material Benefits of Regular Exercise o Enhanced heart function o Improved Balance o Reduced risk of falling o Better sleep habits o Healthier body composition Less body fat more muscle mass o Reduced Injury o Positivity Affect Blood pressure Blood cholesterol levels Blood glucose regulation Immune Function Energy Sources for Muscle Use Immediately usable energy always o ATP All of the tissues all of the time ATP ADP Pi energy Initial 2 4 seconds o Phosphocreatine PCr Initial resupply of muscle ATP As ADP increases enzyme activated to use PCr ADP PCr ATP Cr Works for about 10 seconds Stored in small amounts All tissues short bursts Ex shot put high jump bench press o Carbohydrate Major feul for short term high intensity and medium term use Pyruvate via Glycolysis Anaerobic o Without Oxygen during physical activity o Pyruvate accumulates and is converted to lactate o Fast way to resupply ATP but cannot sustain for long o Energy for 30 seconds 2 minutes Muscle tissues high intensity lasting 30 seconds 2 minutes Ex Aerobic 200 meter sprint o With Oxygen during moderate to low intense exercise o Pyruvate shuttled into mitochondria for complete oxidation o Slower but yields more and sustained longer 2 minutes 3 hours Muscle liver exercise lasting 2 minutes 3 hours Ex jogging basketball soccer swimming o Muscle Glycogen Primary source of ATP during fairly intense for 2 hours Muscle stored 350g supply glucose for working muscle Muscles do not take up blood glucose for energy due to hormones Except when exercise time increase glycogen stores decrease Depletion causes fatigue o Liver Glycogen Used to maintain blood to allow spare use of muscle glycogen for muscles Liver glycogen 100g used to maintain blood glucose o Fat Main fuel for prolonged low to moderate intensity exercise at rest Provides more energy than carbohydrates but is less efficient The more trained muscle is the greater the muscle ability to use fat as energy Increased size and number mitochondria Increased level of enzymes associated with aerobic synthesis Increased muscle myoglobin enhances oxygen availability Increased glycogen sparing o Muscle Fat cells exercise lasting more than a few minutes greater amounts are used to lower exercise intensities Ex long distance running marathons cycling o More of a 50 50 type situation depending how long you re doing each o Protein Minor fuel source only 5 of general energy Directly from metabolism of branched chain amino acids via gluconeogenesis or they eneter citric acid cycle as precursors to glucose Up to 15 when glycogen stores are depleted during endurance o Used least in resistance exercise Eating more protein than what the body needs will not increase muscle mass o Working muscles through exercise and eating high carbohydrates with moderate protein will because it causes the pancreas to secrete insulin o Insulin is an anabolic hormone so will cause synthesis of other cells o Your body will now have enough energy to start producing muscle mass instead of using them for energy Fluid Intake o Goal is to lose no more than 2 body weight o For every 1 cup lost 3 cups of fluid should be consumed o Thirst is late sign of dehydration o Replace fluids before during and after Hyponatremia water intoxication Food Intake o Pre exercise meal High carbohydrate low fat Meal timing o Post exercise meal 30 minutes 2 hours post Optimal 4 1 carbohydrate protein ratio Classification of Vitamins o Fat Soluble Vitamin A D E K o Water Soluble B Vitamins and Vitamin C Overview of Vitamin Absorption o Fat Soluble Absorbed along with dietary fat Adequate absorption depends on Fat consumption Pancreatic lipase Chapter 12 Material Know the high sources of something and the deficiencies between them A D K E Bile in small intestine Stored in liver or adipose tissue o Water Soluble Absorbed in small intestine independent of dietary fat Absorbed into bloodstream Distributed throughout body Transporting Fat in the Blood o Fat is transported as a lipoprotein Vitamins A D are most likely to be toxic Vitamin A o Retinoids Lipid core shell composed of proteins phospholipids and cholesterol Active form Preformed Vitamin A from animal origin sources such as retinol and retinyl esters Retinyl esters must separate into retinol and fatty acids before activation After absorption retinol reattaches to fatty acids to become retinyl esters and packaged into chylomicron 3 Forms Retinol retinal and retinoic acid Liver fish and fish oils fortified milk eggs fortified products o Carotenoids Cause a yellow orange pigment in fruits and vegetables Provitamin A it needs to be changed Carrots spinach winter squash sweet potato broccoli mango cantaloupe peaches apricots Inside intestinal cells Cleaved from retinal or retinoic acid o Retinoic acid enters bloodstream directly to the liver o All carotenoids can enter the bloodsteam directly but this occurs to a lesser extent o Released from liver o Over 90 stored in liver o Functions Retinoids Growth and Development Cell Differentiation Vision Carotenoids Immune Function o Toxicity Hypervitaminosis A Vitamin D o Conditional Vitamin or Prohormone Sunshine Vitamin o High Sources Fish o Influences on D3 Activation Sunlight exposure time of day or year Geographical Location Latitude Age Skin color SPF sunscreen Decrease risk of certain diseases o Night Blindness Conjuctival Xerosis Blind Spots 7 dehydrocholesterol UV light Cholecalcferol inactive D3 Cholecalciferol enters blood and travels to liver Calcidiol travels to the kidney Calcidiol Calcitriol active D3 Synthesis is regulated by the parathyroid hormone and kidneys Low blood calcium parathyroid hormone increases Parathyroid hormone increases production of vitamin D3 in kidney Restores calcium balance Regulates body s concentration of calcium and phosphorous Bone formation o Activated in Kidney o Functions o Deficiency Diseases Rickets children Osteomalacia adults o Toxicity hypercalcemia leads to calcium deposits in soft tissue kidney heart lungs anorexia N V bone demineralization weakness joint pain kidney dysfunction Stabilizes cell membranes by reducing oxidative stress stopping lipid peroxidation Vitamin E o High Sources o No specific carrier protein o Stored in Adipose 90 o Functions Antioxidant caused by free radicals o Deficiencies rare o Toxicity rare Relatively non toxic Can interfere with the role of vitamin K blood clotting Vitamin K o High Sources Greens o Excretion more readily
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