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PLANT BIO EXAM 4 LECTURE 16 OBJECTIVES FUNGI CHARACTERISTICS OF FUNGI EUKARYOTIC CELLS MULTICELLULAR FILAMENTOUS AS SYMBIONTS live with one another PARASITES live in another organism use its resources OR DETRITOVORES absorb nutrient from decaying HYPHAE fungal filaments MYCELIUM mass of hyphae CHITIN in their cell walls HETEROTROPHS absorb organic compounds organisms NOT photosynthetic NO MOTILE CELLS ZYGOTIC MEIOSIS ATTACK A SPECIFIC PLANT PART BLIGHTS areas of browning death WILTS caused by blocking of vascular tissue DEVELOPMENTAL REPROGRAMMING PLANT PATHOGENS host interactions selective pressures during co evolution 5000 SPECIES OF FUNGI ATTACK VALUABLE CROPS GARDEN PLANTS EX RUSTS SMUTS billions of of damage each year IRISH POTATO FAMINE SERIOUS DISEASES IN ANIMALS HUMANS EX pneumonia ringworm athletes foot YEAST PRODUCE ETHANOL CARBON DIOXIDE central role in baking brewing wine DISTINCTIVE FLAVORS IN CHEESES IMPORTANT PHARMACEUTICALS PENICILLIN 1st widely used antibiotic 3 GROUPS OF FUNGI ZYGOMYCETES CYCLOSPORIN suppresses immune reaction organ transplants FORMATION OF SPORES WITHIN ZYGOSPRANGIUM BODY OF STOLONS connect sporangiophore RHIZOIDS ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION SPORANGIA SPORES GAMETANGIA N multinucleate result of cell fusion before zygosporangium ZYGOSPORANGIUM cell fusion of mating type sporangiums then nuclear fusion meiosis haploid spores ASCOMYCETES FORMATION OF SPORES IN ASCUS CONIDIA multinucleate spores on ends oh hyphae do external asexual reproduction SEXUAL REPRODUCTION male nuclei from ANTHERIDIUM pass over to ASCOGONIUM via trichogyne bridge where cell fusion occurs DIKARYOTIC HYPHAE N N grow out of ASCOGONIUM form multicellular fruiting body ASCOCARP in ascocarp layers of cells form ASCUS which undergo NUCLEAR FUSION MEIOSIS to form haploid ASCOSPORES YEAST UNICELLULAR FUNGI mostly ascomycetes EX BAKERS BREWERS YEAST BASIDIOMYCETES EX MUSHROOMS JELLY FUNGI RUSTS mushrooms have cap stalk gills on lower surface spores FORMATION OF SPORES ON BASIDIUM sexual reproduction most have NO asexual reproduction SEXUAL REPRODUCTION MONOKARYOTIC HYPHAE fuse at tips DIKARYOTIC HYPHAE grow out to fruiting body BASIDIOMA BASIDIOCARP forms NUCLEAR FUSION to make BASIDIA go through MEIOSIS BASIDIOSPORES are released SYMBIOTIC ASSOCIATIONS LICHENS BETWEEN FUNGI usually ascomycetes PHOTOSYNTHETIC GREEN ALGA CYANOBACTERIA MYCORRHIZAE BETWEEN FUNGI certain zygomycetes basidiomycetes PLANT ROOTS maximize surface area nutrient uptake LECTURE 17 OBJECTIVES PROTISTS ENDOSYMBIOSIS organism is engulfed by cell becomes organelle PRIMARY eukaryotic organism takes up cyanobacteria Ex red green algae green plants SECONDARY organism takes up product of primary additional membranes on organelles occurred 3 different times for algal groups Ex diatoms dinoflagellates brown algae PHYTOPLANKTON tiny photosynthetic organisms suspended in the water column IMPORTANCES RED TIDES BIOLOGICAL base of the food chain in open oceans ECOLOGICAL produce about 30 of atmospheric 02 TOXIC BLOOMS overpopulation of dinoflagellates produce neurotoxins KILLS FISH PARALYTIC SHELLFISH POISONING IN PEOPLE MEIOSIS FROM EXAM ONE GAMETIC animals some protists algae ZYGOTIC fungi some algae SPORIC alternation of generations plants many algae GREEN ALGAE GREEN ALGAE LAND PLANTS GREEN PLANTS ALL THREE LIFE CYCLES MAINLY AQUATIC CHLOROPHYLL A B CAROTENOIDS 5 EVOLUTIONARY TRENDS Filaments land plants 3 MAJOR GROUPS CHLOROPHYCEAE UNICELLULAR COLONIES BLADES GIANT CELLS OR FILAMENTS ULVOPHYCEAE alternation of generations Independent gametophytes sporophytes CHAROPHYCEAE CHLAMYDOMONUS SINGLE CELL 2 FLAGELLA ASEXUAL SEXUAL REPRODUCTION PLANTS EVOLVED ON LAND 470 MYA ISOGAMY VS OOGAMY ISOGAMY both gametes same size small EX chlamydomonas OOGAMY egg large 7 nonmotile sperm small motile parent can invest more resources in the offspring egg EX Volvox DINOFLAGELLATES UNICELLULAR 2 FLAGELLA CELL WALL CELLULOSE PLATES HALF PHOTOSYNTHETIC INGEST FOOD ALSO CHOLOPHYLL A C CAROTENOIDS ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION sexual is rare zygotic meiosis MARINE FRESHWATER ZOOANTHELLAE lost their wall occur as endosymbionts in sponges jellyfish etc responsible for photosynthetic productivity in growth of coral reefs DIATOMS UNICELLULAR NO FLAGELLA except during sex CELL WALL CONTAINING SILICA ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION when sexual its gametic meiosis FRESHWATER MARINE HETEROKONTS pairs of flagella that differ in size ornamentation RED ALGAE MULTICELLULAR some unicellular NO FLAGELLA TROPICAL COLD MARINE WATERS some in fresh waters CELL WALL CELLULOSE AGAR CARRAGEENAN CHLOROPHYLL A PHYCOBILLINS SEXUAL REPRODUCTION W ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS SOURCE OF AGAR capsules cosmetics baked goods gel electrophoresis CARRAGEENAN stabilizes paints cosmetics dairy products clarifying agent in beer BROWN ALGAE MULTICELLULAR CELL WALL CELLULOSE ALGINIC ACID TEMPERATE COLD MARINE WATERS CHLOROPHYLL A C CAROTENOIDS BODY PLAN blade stipe holdfast HAVE SIEVE TUBES transport sugars SEXUAL REPRODUCTION gametic meiosis alternation of generations SOURCE OF ALGINATES thickening agents colloid stabilizers in food textile paper LECTURE 18 BRYOPHYTES MOSSES FERNS BRYOPHYTES ADAPTATIONS TO DRY LAND GAMETES ARE PRODUCED IN SPECIAL ORGANS W PROTECTIVE CELL LAYER antheridia sperm producing archegonia egg producing ZYGOTE EMBRYO retention of young sporophyte in archegonium EMBRYOPHYTES bryophytes vascular plants SPORE WALL HAS DECAY DRYING RESISTANT MATERIAL sporopollenin PARTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF CUTICLE STOMATES ABA BIOSYNTHESIS SIGNALING GROW IN WET CONDITIONS sperm NEED to swim to egg for fertilization STILL POORLY ADAPTED TO DRY LAND SEXUAL REPRODUCTION alternation of generations separate male female plants GAMETES FORMED ON UPRIGHT STRUCTURES gametophores DOMINANT GAMETOPHYTE sporophyte develops attached to nourished by gametophyte EGG IS NOT RELEASED sperm swim down neck to fertilize SPOROPHYTE WILL PRODUCE THE SPORES go on to make new gametophytes MOSSES REPRODUCE ASEXUALLY production of many buds from protonema filamentous phase which grows from spores leafy gametophyte will develop from bud like structure CAPSULES w operculum peristome spores released on dry days UPRIGHT STALK W LEAFY PHOTOSYNTHETIC BLADES RHIZOIDS LIVERWORTS STOMATA SOME CONDUCTING TISSUE REPRODUCE ASEXUALLY by gemmae multicellular bodies give rise to new gametophytes WATER SPLASHES THEM OUT SIMPLE SHEET OF TISSUE THALLUS gametophyte phase haploid NO ROOTS STEMS LEAVES STOMATA OR CONDUCTING TISSUE AIR CHAMBERS W PORES

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FSU BOT 3015 - Exam 4

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