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7 r t 2 t e lO bo 1Sn is sum of all chemical and physical processes by which the body breaks down and builds up molecules Chemical reactions require or release Metabolism Chernical Reactions in the Body reactions that occur in progression from Metabolic Pathway beginning to end n err neNrqKs Compounds formed in a pathway ArutG c Pathways that build compounds A t f p g os 9t r s bt Pathways that break down compounds Anabolism Catabolism Anabolism is the process of making new molecules from smaller ones l JlnBlC Urcq utfc5 energy Catabolism is the breakdown or degradation of larger more complex molecules to smaller more basic molecules During digestion chemical reactions breek down t 9 all a Catabolism Energy for the Cell Bodt s source of When phosphate bonds are brokqn energy is released it i lrlf ak energy D dznttft ru Di plvrtlu nPh Glls break high bond from ATP fne biges icn b tkdr tn z oL euiortrttb l ou ld n7 tet e1 5 sic ft b n U I fun l racus fp q 9 n u uu tL nchtT 6 lo o7 and arn a ia X rtrr ftUnloti ht are chemical reactions that occur Occur in specific types or parts of the cell May be limited to specific organs or tissues fu 1s th e sitqof energy uction in froin When glucose is transported to the liver it is Metabotized for enerEy or stored t t O9e n in the liver Released into circulation for other cells to use as fuel or stored as W gtycogen t Sc e issut I 1 t Converted to irh r tlcia i if glucose exceeds caloric V T in adipose tissue u FAr rl needs and stored t Fr rctqe na i fficonverted the liver and follow the same fate to glucose ii k l y G t DC llularRespirationofGlucose I r vru5 L 5lcat cc b5 Chain ru Glucose is bxidized to Synthesisof o F i 1kgr ra r rl r t ca t a 1 2 Pyruvate is oxidized and joined with CoA 3 Citric Acid Cycle CAC aka KWkl C tiCtt Acetyl CoA enters cycle producing NADH H FADH2 and ATP 4 E zchcn l crnstrrt 3 t ie A NADH H FADHz are oxidized to NAD and FAD Summary of Glucose Oxidation respiration of one glucose molecule Sl ccbit Net eain 31 ft F ft Ae cdoiC respiration of one glucose molecule Net gain ATP Production from Fats l fft dietary and adipose triglycerides are broken down by r lSe One glyceroland 3 free fatty acids to yield G CgfO is converted to acetyl CoA for entry into the CAC cycle tr e di l Cr S ag tJb t1 tia then to are used for energy or stored beta oxidation 16 of D ATP Production frorn f i Ri r t cid 0 4 dtm o l s l or tnt 0 ll t t ilil W p oxidation of Fatty Acids o no t u e tr r T u o Ur thl af are transported to working cells needing energy such fatty acils are sequentially broken down into two carbon as o or rr 3 Q cel s rw5C VXs n i r F oxida i1 Tn1r l Fatty Acids Cannot form 4 W L acavt caA u There s no pthwayto corn ert el l ccfr since xo rcoaffinm fatty acids cannot be converted to glucose t Puf lY t Protein GArfrunr rtE body preftrs using l ri S r l J4 r rttF ti t v t ct r r1 v r t f n6 b for energy 0tkfn is reserved for metabolic functions that cannot be performed intake Energy from Protein Dietary proteins are digested into UmfnO UCiAS or smail peptides Amino acids are transported to the rref made into proteins released into the O CO F repair functions Lx lSa dietary protein used for energy or converted to triglycerides for uptake by other cells for building and f t lh t s forstorage as vo c ForminE ClirrsQ frorn W compound t Typical fatty acids cannot be converted to glucose although A CgfO amino acids and other r n J I Fasting and Feasting Fasting encourages breakdown Fat breakdown Feasting encourages G t6lg9ttt svnthesis Fat synthesis Protein synthesis t63r r q nn U4q synthesis Stored Energy i Stored energy can be used during times of sleep fasting or exercise Extra energy is stored as in limited amounts as arUQ ana rrr C Q glycogen Fat triglycerides in unlimited amounts The body has no mechanism for storing C ron no cldas or Synthesizint tttcrr tonutr on 6 I uco neogenesis ma king gl ucose from non glucose su bstrates Primarilyfrom N Sdt ermt r s 5 Smallamount from Q qC0nO liriglyceride Maintains b r q f ttptR during sleep fasting r56a awaraiaa J illness and a CS a O o for glucose production can draw on vital tissue proteins skeletal and heart muscles and organ protdins 4X r I i r o t F SynthesizingMacronutrients L Oo nqAiS making fat from nonfat substances such as carbohylratls amino acids ana 0 0 CO rf Occurs when consuming excess calories a a a t g 1 t O fl units assemble into fatty acid chains Fatty acid combine y tn Ml Mostly occurs in fwf ffi to form triglycerides Synthesizing Macron utrients LYk a o amino acids NEAA Amino group comes from ran r rrr fic odim efecqM Synthesis of NEAA occurs only when the body has enough and nl4ro f f Since essential amino acids cannot be synthesized they must be of nonessential is the orimary angfullglormone in the blood after eating Activates storage enzymes n llgl il cellular up 9 lgl cose fatty acids and mino acids dru i A l o r tn a1h and bnttso are cataiolic 1 Trigger the breakdown of stored triglycerides glycogen and body protein bneq wb c x rt hormones for energy

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KSU NUTR 33512 - Study Guide

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