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l Ct r 5q ChZ 15 ehs lo ch4 ao NUTR 33512 Nutrition Chapter 4 Human Digestion and Absorption fir rVci rao ho f t 4L e eA llU tat ls l J Organization of the Human Body figure Digestive Organ SYstem Gl tract fno th intestine Digestive system figure t Digestive System Overview I r 44 h esophagus small intestine large o la1rl I pdffln rgnS and gall bladder O LLI I a l rt 1 c 1 t NqooL rgs corl t ro 5r 4 Y Digestion P ot use bcu WYrg dawn foods into a form the bodv can ta liw s onlYwS tYech anina Iur che t fnX of nutrients from the Gl tract into the tou u sr 5S lnnermost layer hollow area is the lumen Subhnuccrrt Contains blood vessels carrying nutrients W USc ffi he rac muscles that controlthe o l of contents in Sphincters figure fi nA 0 V r the Gltract Gl Motility figure fie r iS r is Cbntractions wr BaIk 5 na tortrt movement w L fu tna55 rY pr rw nbs lia naaii Saflrrv la tr Peristalsis over widespread area i 4 E irvrit c lrt c a I lmportant secretions of the digestive system figure sc Enzymes figure o X l2t avttr ig i e nJs in qs aa dnjlN Taste buds on the tongue and soft palate contain 10 E sece9oc ss11t Mouth OralCavity f Chewing increases 3r f ca cu ac Mixed 11l Sa iizt Saliva food becomes a a r ha rs Bieak s ilown bacteria tvwftr Lubricates and hold bolus together Breaks down starch Enhances perception o1 F auor Taste and Smell Salty Sour Sweet Bitter Umami v ca t lwry Olfz ctcn CptlS in nose smell Stimulated with chewing Esophagus n Surtt otritl r outh to the esophagus a Prevents f6od from lodging in the trachea Covers the Stomach stomach b aWS goes through lower e c T augaa 6Phin ffi Stomach Secretions ParietalCells trr arypeptide hormone slows W nzaar of s q r Pu rrfq r tSo n s proteins Destroys bacteria and viruses Dissolves ftjrtt r f J Converts pepsinogen into pepsin to aid in absorption Protein d ig6sting enzyme I a pH scale figure Stomach Secretions t Y eh rui Gastric lipase lipiA an 2yn c bree t d e r OftSbctn HoYmone that controls release of HCI and pepsinogen Protects the stomach from being digested pyyrlce 6 c 1 WtU Ct Ll Small lntestine Pyloric sphincter allows chyme into the small intestine Gastric inhibitory peptide hormone slows release of chyme O btrfPffiq r occurshere Most anO l Sections villiand tuti rouilti J il T ro o i o rl CLVISOc Ptlcn 1t u nurw na ilzuryr abs iri Small lntestine villi lined with t ivr croJ u ol A r Oeb r cg lS make r u e dr r z cziltroduce hormones En e rrc 4 s produce digestive enzymes and absorb nutrients Contain a brush border of microvilli covered with glycocalyx Liver Gallbladder and Pancreas Liw rr P uiU r Uit Enterohepatic circulation recycling of bile Uil Wnill Biteffi ii io P f fu w ua o jt Produces sodium bicarbonate lipases proteases and pancreatic amylase 5 a t r s Absorption Primarily occurs in fX l le muak r Concentration gradient Fa ci lroCcJ dlf0udi r Concentration gradient carrier protein t1 r1o r Carrier protein energy regardless of concentration 7 hAoc otls Engulfment of compounds or liquids I A b ile Absorption figure Nutrient absorption locations figure Moving Nutrients around the Body lncludes heart Water soluble vessels and blood nutrients transported via capillaries in villito portalvein 2 Lqq ph r e e rarychoa e iurx Fat soluble nutrients and large particles transported via lacteals into the rff lymph vessels to thoracic duct Transports nutrients from the tvra tlinl6 hru and delivers them to the r tt Portal Vein Circulation twrt Large lntesting Colon i arunr uolw tt S nwi C ecum ascending transverse descending and sigmoid lecxxn ftntj5 n r P u aetqt w Absorption of water and electrolytes Defecation of 1 I I it w Common Problems with Digestion H um i rtroesphogeal reflux 1 GA D 1 nJ Foods that increase rt 9 u Citrus caffeine chocolate fatty foods spicy foods onion garlic and tomato based foods Common Problems with Digestion Ulcers a a Cause twi Treatment alcohol tls ttn and smoking X o1 iL J rn increase symptoms a o Recommendations table Common Problems with Digestion St tsrcnes h ndz tinr as Food lntolerances Flatulence Constipation Fiber fluid and exercise Laxative use Dta r f hea Replace fluid and electrolytes rii o cgA na Cause unknown C eliac Disease Hemorrhoids tu L t znu tr ya s w pa t4 c wp a lntoleranceto W f nsle 1 in 133 people affEcted e t b o Many undiagnosed t i rr cz cns ipc ict i ffidi it i i diet for life rice quinoa and buckwheat OK

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