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Week Four MANDATORY Discussion Question 1 Mandatory DQ What is the individual s role in dealing with challenges and trends in health care How does this role overlap into the community Please read the Week Four discussion question above this question is also posted in the Course Materials Forum Develop your thoughts and post your response into the Main Forum following this thread Please do not start a new thread for this discussion question As well you may find it helpful to review the requirements for posting a response which can be found within your syllabus You are required to post a response to two 2 DQ each week in the Main Forum Each response is to be 100 150 words The new directives from the federal government regarding changes in health care are dramatic and dynamic As services move to a more outpatient basis efforts to control spiraling costs need to be creative and innovative The changes are occurring rapidly and the individual health care administrator needs to stay involved with the changes in order that the facility can survive In this time of economic downturn there are many insolvent companies which are in a position to be acquisitioned by or merged into larger companies The enormous expense of transitioning to EMRs is another issue where the individual can have an impact on the facility There are numerous software companies which can provide compatible software How well will this software integrate with a national system Can encryption software be installed to prevent breeches in security of PHIs Is the system user friendly These are some of the questions which can be answered by diligent research and strategic team work planning Cutbacks in Medicare reimbursement will be a problem and facilities need to be creative to do more with less As the demographics of the American population are changing to an elder care situation more emphasis needs to be directed toward assisted living Allowing elders to maintain as much independence as possible while assuring their safety can be affected by an individual who is aware of these changes in perspective By promoting such benefits to the community word of mouth advertising of the benefits of eldercare at your facility can improve your facilities reputation and cash flow So the information can become fluid between the facility and the community an individual strategically placed can have an enormous impact upon the community By including the families of the residents in assisted living in outings and events the community is brought into the facility The seniors are not just warehoused in a nursing home the family and community can also be involved in these events for the seniors The individual s role in dealing with challenges and trends in health care is to be knowledgeable about health care trends and understand the different sides of health care issues Every individual should understand the health care industry because it all applies to their individual health now and in the future Consumers should know their health insurance options and what they cover in detail They should know government funded programs and if they are eligible requirements and long term care planning The individuals need to know the issues in health care so that they can educate the community and they can all fight for what they think is right for each citizen regarding health care when it comes time to vote Individuals and communities should be advocating for the best health care system through policymakers so that they are playing an active role in their future of health care

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UOPX HCS 449 - Essay

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