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Eating and Somatoform Disorders Amenorrhea loss of menstrual cycle is no longer a symptom for anorexia typically see a pediatrician first because of adverse effects of disorders medical evaluation is critical Treatment behavioral intervention over correction i e brushing childs teeth after eating a cig butt then make them throw it out repeated regurgitation and re chewing of food without an explanatory medical problem Pica at least 1 month persistent eating of non nutritive substances Rumination at least 1 month 3 months old to 12 months old self stimulating occurs in severely impaired individuals Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder used to be feeding disorder feeding eating disturbance before age 6 significant weight loss significant nutritional deficiency persistent failure to meet appropriate nutritional or energy needs associated with cid 127 cid 127 cid 127

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DREXEL PSY 225 - Eating and Somatoform Disorders

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