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TEST 4 STUDY GUIDE Chapter 13 Disorders of Swallowing Explain why SLPs are involved in diagnosis and treatment of swallowing Same structures that are involved with speaking are involved with Ppl with communication disorders will typically have swallowing disorders swallowing disorders as well What are the stages of swallowing Anticipatory Oral Pharyngeal Esophaygeal Know what each one refers to Know the common causes for dysphagia in adults Stroke cortical brainstem TBI Neuromuscular diseases Dementia Know what is involved with swallowing treatment Consistencies Oral prep when bolus is in mouth Oral transport when the bolus is moving back Water is the most difficult to swallow Thicken things up will help with swallowing Aspiration puts then at risk for pmnenounia which can lead to death If they are not safe to swallow any consistencies SLPs recommend a feeding tube Nasal tube more short term Strengthening exercises Techniques ex if the patient cant close vocal folds then they are at risk for fluid going down so you could have them turn their head and it brings their vocal fold safe What can swallowing problems result in Aspiration when the bolus drops into airway Malnutrion poor hydration Be able to define a bolus When does the tongue form a bolus when does the tongue move it to the back A lump of food chewed Both occur in oral phase Be able to define dysphagia Swallowing disorder Be able to describe the oral phase of swallowing Be able to describe the anticipatory phase of swallowing Know the definition of aspiration What happens when the velopharyngeal port does not close during swallowing The food could go up into the nasal cavity In what population do swallowing disorders occur ALL children and adults Understand and define a modified barium swallow X ray technology Uses barium because it shows up on an xray to show what the patient is swallowing A regular barium study is done by a stomach doctor SLPs focus on the upper area of the body why its called modified You have transport the pateitnt to the xray Also known as videoscopy Be able to define and understand what FEES refers to and stands for Fibroptic Endoscoptic Evaluation of Swallowing It s a camera on the end of a scope that goes through the nasalpharyx and goes through the velum just before a swallow and after a swallow Why not during a swallow Because its in the eppoiglotis and it closes Portable unit you can bring it over anymore Chapter 14 Audiology and Hearing Loss What is the entry level requirement for ASHA s CCC in Audiology Doctorate AED doctor in audiology What structures is the auditory system made up of Outer ear Middle ear Inner ear Know the anatomy of the outer ear inner ear and middle ear What is another name for the eardrum Tympanic membrane What is the Eustachian tube equalization of pressure Connects the middle ear to the pharynx and allows for Children are more prone to ear infections because the angle is not as steep in children Know the auditory nerve Cranial nerve 8 VIII what it will look like on test Takes the info produced by the cochlea hair cells basically transduce the chemical energy into electric info and that is sent through the auditory nerve and that s where we process sound What is a conductive hearing loss what is a sensorineural hearing loss What frequencies are usually affected with sensorineural hearing loss What type of hearing loss accompanies aging Conductive hearing loss damage to either middle ear and outer ear hearing loss Sensiorneural damage to cochlea High frequencies 4000 hz is usually affected with sensorineural Sensironeural accompanies aging hearing loss Known as presybucis What is occlusion of the ear canal referred to as Atreesa Occlusion is a blockage What is a pressure equalization PE tube used for PE tubes are placed in eardrum They are used to elevate pressure and drains fluids that causes ear infections What type of hearing loss is usually permanent Sensiorneural Know what cochlear implants are used for Acts as hair cells and transduces the wave to descend to the auditory nerve Functions as a cochlea Know the prevalence of hearing loss that is educationally significant amongst children in the US Know the slide Know what intensity and frequency are measured in Intensity decibels Frequency hertz What are the ossicle bones Incus Malleus Stapes adults Know what otoscopic inspection is Know what tympanometry is Why are children more susceptible to fluid buildup in the ear as compared to A little tool that you can put in the ear and is able to measure the function of the tympanic membrance What are hearing aids used for Know the different types of hearing aids Amplification Most common over the ear hearing aid Chapter 15 Augmentative and Alternative Communication Know what population uses AAC and who in particular it is meant to help Across the lifespan people with autism kids with CP adults with neuro denergetive diseases anyone that cant rely on speech for communication When speaking about AAC what would a strategy be referring to A method to communicate as efficicently as possible Will change depending on the clients needs Know the different types of symbols and the primary means of symbol selection 2 methods of selection Direct and Scanning primary means of symbol selection Be able to define Direct Selection and Scanning Direct Selection when you point and select directly Scanning generally when choices are sub categorized and scan through it until you get to the one you are looking for Be able to describe why an individual would want to use AAC There are people who have laryngitis something super temporary There are people who have progressive generative disorders Locked in syndrome when the patients are generally believed to be completely paralyzed Know who should AAC be used with for communication Understand whether one AAC device should be used for everyone or if a different AAC device should be used per client Each client is going to have their own needs Equipment client with a big mac there you program with just one phrase usually used with kids Know what unaided and aided AAC specifically refers to Unaided using body to communicate Gestures Aided you use some form of technology Know what the most used methods of symbol selection in aided AAC are Direct selection and scanning Is aided AAC slower or faster than speech and will it negatively affect one s ability for spoken language WAY slower NO it will not negatively affect one s ability With aided AAC is

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