q Chapter 12 Fat Soluble Vitamins vitamins q d r P l tv 4 7oun symptoms when missing from diet Essential og3 i substances Produce 1 e J tt ffi e ne rX1 n3 eher i ca i re c icf s l rie ri t err wre5 t v ilztw l c a s s t Pi ccticns wcdet So w h carvgr ex g Oir in C f a solL a bQ A 6tD k tr4 1 5c uot b kualer 5o ab e no rccrdi 1 excne J evc eF vit L Cacrne ro t loj t rc VreW kc gt v rt 6u r8r I EycrexJ fo ki u vi fcr rvr nJ gl oo A be ccr sL rh4 J dq l J Soru ca Pf fo ic i1r r O r V t eurraln o j c 4 t4 folva 5ta yitro i 19 h ffi 1 l t s rt o Uto o ca4 acct vta l a L in r bde wc C Sotrre b e t 5cn v c a xi ca r 54 Lr i i r s5 titr o du rrn r J vi o x nrvi dtiSal l in orSa nic folu4ntt nol tvoJt e e rc ru teJ c j V J ab orto o o tt a fr f A 2 cas4l Jecrc ie a r c n s fEr4 d qr fc 51 iPornobtnr i gt J vt la in A r e i 1 Q r nr thA e r e no c a cf41 tend re hAo c a ia D e a t r rtLec Ft ho l r t iefuJ j4i lai 3 Tra as J 7rvaLocls A S 4nt nrq iqlo AEh y i v i i 4 FA vl aryrin Retinyl ester vitamin A FA Dietary sources dark green and yellow orange vegetables and fruits can be converted to Vitamin A Vitamin A Absorption Retinyl Ester yrk I 4 rna1V O j r tf 3s ra r vv G e inol I pg s fvltc LLU Vitamin A Absorpti B p gX H 4 c d fu e ccJEA Nr t l ri c l c Csz r eSi p ft nrcr oc Xrc 1r y5 tv o cx tL 7Llo pt o i Vc ow tr r a blood 1 Itneh A L q r i Fo U e Chq orwtescvr r e Intl askc C scovcic r to L chStox lcrc n fp ln fs 4 L Liwt G a f g A zlipoc S tz c Xt sfae Metabolism r ll tRnq cpet Le Conversion of Vitamin A compounds fcrt q 6 Lr C l 44 v Vitamin A Needs table N 1 RDA W a Cctfa e r Cd r G 2s1 noic o l w Vl W pC NAelN 700 micrograms RAE 900 micrograms retinol activity equivalent RAE Daily Value Approximately 1 000 micrograms Average current intake meets 1 f Functions of Vitamin A Retinoids r4 Growth and Development sv7 croo rW r r u Vision Wrv rr tx tkr cu tor 3 Z6 rr f yf c A N o Dermatology Cacq oi5 Qr rt a S 1 Carotenoid Functions Ela C c ic nctcs Night blindness Vitamin A fsw a9 q y o ruP r iYY le mi laa Vitamin A XtroYh halrrn q permanent blindness Cr 1rua fTaq lb i s lt ou Follicular hyperkeratosis br vi Juy tr v tctl t h c l hc haincrrslcln rat sotubte vitam n TilTloavl Depends if from retinol or beta carotene Rettno Stored in liver lead to liverfailure A a Cr r Co ec e ou to lH ii ipocvtes Marginotr ffi 4d Upper limit 3000 micrograms day retinol xk hypervit inosis Al build up called hvpercarotenemia gP Nc t ta r rt4s r fe L q fc S Vitamin D cahiferdi ffi P oV OC nnoc o Fat soluble Essential in diet fortified breakfast cereals Can be Bn 4t Aed by b ody RequYrement lsunlight a 3 minutes Chemistry Provitamins related compunds Sources Fatty fish cod liver oil fortified dairy products and some times a week for Ct l rr i c cs 7 dehydrocholesterol SreUrf p Cholecalciferol inactive vitamin D3 Calcitriol Ar nuc rn of vitamin D VitaminD Activation f eU Aro cho c r o ert t Cr 5 Y itn It Cuv pr evi a n ln 5 t s A t t v ir ir p3 i o qtrtoxr1 c r 2 XJrox 1l c rw n D3 ehe es co fI sL iooa so J I l Liw n I r lS li hq oxq Vi cu nDg l ac 1i f S tZ Jvl1 S Vitamin D calciferol Requirement Few foods contain vitamin D naturally r LoL r rre l o a 1 VitaminD calciferol w1 l t ttl b t ar kJ oaras lJ lurr9t Cod liver oil RDA s btr Vh 5o 2 s 15pg day from 15pg day from 51 70 yrs 2 1tg day from 1 1 15 t Oba Absorption from food Micelle intestinalcell chylomicron etc Metabolism U tr f ViJu 5 final activation site from liver to target cells or tissue lf problem exists in either organ metabolism and activation altered Functions of Vitamin D Regulates Va m ca zturrn oio ca r L Along with the parathyroid hormone Regulates calcium phosphorus absorption Reduces AtJ rvr l Regulat r l iri JffiEn in bones fur q t i rroni i icrr Deve I o p n rr r Linked to reduction of breast colon and prostate cancer excretion of calcium i r t n n lnfluences normal Role in Bone Formation Causes calcium phosphorus to deposit in the bones Strengthens bones I ELE 5 Bones fail to calcify normally is the result of low vitamin u N Bone softness Breastfed infants with little sun exposure Bowing legs 0 ess ir o r soft bones Rickets like disease in adults Jo 9oXnr r Bones lose minerals and become porous Vitamin D calciferol Toxicity V rW rN ottrO No risk offoxicity from sun exposure a a a lncreased vitamin D leads to increased i co tra Calcium stores in kidneys and joints Monitor 3f W Ur e h 6 tCIA Adult margin of safety UL S0yglday vrt ca rzd ors Many claims some not fact Vitamin E lntroduction o C an not improve physical performance Enhance sexual performance Slow or prevent Agt q Slow progression of Y v u t rJs Prevents breakdown of Antioxidant 0d1 u0aru W 0 lnnhelu0 Essential nutrient Fat soluble Vit4ii Chemistry Tocopherols most active in humans c alpha p beta Y gamma 6 delta I Absorption Micelle chylomicron lymph etc Vitamin E Functions Stabilizes cell membranes Reduces O YAc fr t Other antioxidant compounds Glutathirone peroxidase Se e rqu Superoxide dismutase Copper Zinc and Manganese Vitamin E Requirements Terminology o btat TE 0 oco oV al o equivalents 6 RDA Sources Y6 mg day Sr s rzAs Ur ilt n S L H tt Oils il t qse UL tO0Omg day Vitamin K rearY vegeta bre vud l n3 n t L esu li i Synthesized by …
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