2 16 The order of primates prosimians monkeys and apes Primitive vs derived traits o Primitive older ancestral Example 5 digits More newly evolved specialized Bipedal movement o Derived o Dental Formula Primates are heterodonts They have incisors canines premolars and molars Dental formula is species specific o Only look at one quadrant that is one half of one jaw Order of teeth human dental formula Molars 3 Incisors 2 Canine 1 Premolars 2 What is a primate o Over 200 species few derived traits Hard to define Have to use a combination of traits o Mammals 3 kinds Egg laying Marsupials Placental primates in this category Body hair Long gestation live birth Mammary glands Heterodonts Homeothermy Primates as mammals Increased brain size Capacity for learning and behavioral flexibility Ancestral homology something we share with a common ancestor o Example 5 digits Prehensile hands grasping and feet o Opposible thumbs and on feet o Humans derived lack of grasping in feet With more tactile sensitivity primates have sensitive fingers We developed nails instead of claws for this Primates retrained clavicle through common ancestor o Allows for much more mobility trees Stereoscopic binocular vision o Gives 3d perception o Protection for eye post orbital bar or bony cup what we have Reduced sense of smell Increased vision Omnivores but this is a general statement o Normally primates are omnivores but most specialize in one kind of food insects Insectivores Frugivore Folivore mostly live in trees o Arboreal o other characteristics fruit leaves tendency towards an erect posture delayed maturation period and extension of life span greater dependence on learned behavior tendency to live in social groups with males diurnal Taxonomy o 2 suborders Prosimians Anthropoids Prosimians o Most primitive o Characteristics More laterally placed eyes Shorter gestation and maturation Dental comp Grooming claw Unfused mandible All old world Africa and Asia Lemurs Madagascar Tarsiers SE Asia Lorises bushbabies Asia Africa Small bodied nocturnal solitary Some are social and some are diurnal Anthropoids o Monkeys apes us Larger body Larger brain Less smell More vision Fully enclosed eye orbit Fused mandible Longer gestation and maturation periods Increased parental care
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