2 2 Genes and cell genetics continued Polygenic Trait o Governed by more than one locus on more than one chromosome o Traits of complex inheritance o Continuous traits For Mendelian traits genotype dictates phenotype For poly genic genotype predicts trait then environment plays a role Psychosocial dwarfism o Children never grow o Associated with abuse environments o No growth or weight gain regardless of caloric intake Mitochondria o Organelles in the cytoplasm of a cell o Were once prokaryotic cells that were endocytized taken into an incubated cell o Normally a eukaryote would reject an addition but instead they started a symbiotic relationship Make ATP used as energy for cell Cell provides nutrients for mito o Their DNA mtDNA has 40 genes Can mutate Accumulate mutations over time o In sperm mitochondria do nothing except mobility o Eggs contain all the mitochondrial DNA that offspring receive Assume No paternal influence Mutations over time We can find who and when the original mitochondria was around Assume rate of mutation Assume constant mutation Mitochondria Eve Mt Eve Lived in Africa about 200 000 years ago Chimps have much more mt variation because of being around longer Modern synthesis o Selectionists slow gradual changes over time o Mutationists fast big changes through mutation o The joining of these two schools of thought is Modern Synthesis o Evolution 1 Production 2 Natural selection contributes to next production
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