10 20 2010 Suborders Prosimians Lemurs Lorises Galagos and Tarsiers Anthropoids Now called Strepsirhine all prosimians Tarsier and Haplorhine all anthropoids and the Tarsier The Order Primate wet nose and dry nose Tarsier reason we changed taxonomy of primates What makes a Tarsier a Haplorhine Lacks rhenium No tapetum reflective covering over the eye to increase night vision Fully enclosed orbit DNA DNA is closer to anthropoids than prosimians Primate Adaptations Teeth tell us about where individual lived their diet etc Primates 4 types of teeth derived relative to mammals Callitrichids 2 1 3 2 Cebids and Atelids 2 1 3 3 OWM Apes Humans 2 1 2 3 Mammalian Ancestor 3 1 4 3 Locomotion most primates are quadrupedal 4 limbs Generalized dentition Arboreal quadruped Longer tails legs are longer than arms Clinging and leaping Long powerful legs Relatively short arms terrestrial quadruped Arboreal adaptations Convergent orbits depth perception Nails instead of claws Grasping hands and feet Visual Predation Hypothesis Eating insects at terminal branches Angiosperm Radiation fruiting flowering trees Primates exploiting Arms and legs equal in length short tail Great Apes knuckle walking short back no tail long arms Suspensory locomotion longer arms Brachiation hand over hand
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