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Week Five Discussion Question 2 How have your personal and professional goals changed and how have your perspectives on the field changed during the course of your program Please read the Week Five discussion question above this question is also posted in the Course Materials Forum Develop your thoughts and post your response into the Main Forum following this thread Please do not start a new thread for this discussion question As well you may find it helpful to review the requirements for posting a response which can be found within your syllabus You are required to post a response to two 2 DQ each week in the Main Forum Each response is to be 100 150 words One significant goal that has changed for me is regarding person centered care I made the goal of becoming a nursing home administrator while going through person centered care training because I believed in this way of care giving and wanted to do person centered care for the rest of my life However now that I have worked in the non person centered care environment I have learned that person centered care is not the end all for all nursing homes Many existing nursing homes give excellent care and have very happy residents just the way they are I still would like to work in person centered care at some point in my career but my goal is now to be in a nursing home not only in person centered care I think the existing model works and changing everything is not quite right for every facility My professional goals have stayed the same about being an office manager in the future These courses have given me a chance to see what I would also like to be a office coordinator in a hospital setting My perspective about insurance and the new Obamacare is going to hurt the patient more than it be a positive thing We are seeing changes already with insurances companies once again wanting a pre auth done before a radiology exam is done I think if the doctor thinks that it should be done the insurance should allow the test

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UOPX HCS 449 - Essay

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