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Week Five MANDATORY Discussion Question 1 Throughout this course you have investigated the changes trends and job requirements in the health care industry What do you see as your role in this evolving industry What will you bring to this industry Please read the Week Five discussion question above this question is also posted in the Course Materials Forum Develop your thoughts and post your response into the Main Forum following this thread Please do not start a new thread for this discussion question As well you may find it helpful to review the requirements for posting a response which can be found within your syllabus You are required to post a response to two 2 DQ each week in the Main Forum Each response is to be 100 150 words My role in the industry is as an administrator so when dealing with the changes and trends it will be important for me to stay ahead on current trends and changes For example I need to be prepared for Medicare and Medicaid cuts way before they go through To make adjustments to these changes as they pass is too late For the changing trends in populations served in nursing homes I need to be aware of the next generations needs as the baby boomers enter my nursing home How can I best meet their needs What foods and activities do they need to be satisfied What I bring to the industry are new eyes I am not an administrator who has delt with the current population for all of my career I am someone who is aware of the changing needs and I am familiar with the needs of the baby boomer population because these are my parents and all of their friends I come from a generation that grew up with technology and I understand its importance in health care I also come from a generation that is willing to voice opinions and this will help me to be an advocate against Medicare and Medicaid cuts I plan to be very active through advocacy The biggest role I believe I can play and what I can bring to this industry regardless of whether I m the administrator of a medical office or continue clinical trial work is as a health care advocate It is hard enough for health care professionals who understand the industry to keep up with it let alone the patients who are barely able to understand the parts of the medical world that touch their lives Working in clinical trials I have always strived to ensure my clinical trial subjects fully understand what they are getting into not because clinical trials are sneaky or highly dangerous as many people who are untrained and misinformed about this field would believe but because that is the definition of informed consent knowing the good and the bad before agreeing to proceed I believe that this field of mine has been best in preparing me for being a health care advocate This is because although there are great health care professionals out there who undoubtedly educate and advocate for their patients clinical trials is a far more stringent field of the medical world and therefore health care education and advocacy is not just something helpful we do it is a mandatory part of being a clinical trial professional

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UOPX HCS 449 - Essay

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