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Miller said the quiz is supposed to cover Costing Beauty Retailing and Fash ion Capitals 2 Type of Costing Pre costing initial cost Direct costs materials labor other Final costing Manufacturer s Cost total real Direct costs materials labor other Indirect costs design merchandising salaries administration rent ins etc Retailer s Cost Manufacturer s Wholesale cost Retail consumer s price Cost markup Usually cost is about retail keystone Retail math concept to set retail price Beauty Spa and Wellness This consists of Cosmetics fragrances hair and skin spas and centers It is all about the Mass and prestige Careers and Positions Research and product development Merchandising and Marketing Account rep coordinator Involved with special events Promotions Traveling to sites Sales Account executive Sells products to retailers Manages the accounts inventory and merchandises Public relations account executive Works with media contacts Promotes Retail counter line management Sell manages Coordinates events and promotions Works with product and people Wellness Massages facials fitness nutrition centers spas Esthetics Makeovers and beauty enhancement Reatailing is the Distribution of Goods Services to the Consumer Last step in the marketing pipeline from concept to consumer in the T A Industry All the activities involved int the selling of goods or services to the final consumer 2 major types Stored bricks mortar traditional store front Non stored catalogs on line etailing TV parties door to door etc 4 major divisions Plus HR Every retailer MUST have operations merchandising Four major Fashion Capitals Paris France Milan Italy London England NYC NY Others Hong Kong China Spain Germany Canada Scandinavia Taiwan etc

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FSU CTE 2800 - 2 Type of Costing

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