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Anxiety Disorders Higher in women except for OCD 1 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Excessive worry about many events 3 6 symptoms restless fatigue concentration irritable tense sleep symptoms more than 6 months develops in childhood adolescence higher in women and African americans sociocultural people facing dangerous societal conditions cognitive caused by basic irrational assumptions They worry to predict and prevent negative events Development due to unpredictable negative events Psychodynamic due to id impulses Humanistic due to conditions of worth Biological GABA activity and benzodiaepine in brain Treatments cognitive therapy anti anxiety drugs relaxation training biofeedback Borkovec Costello CT vs Relazation CBT higher than AR 2 Phobias Social i Fear and avoidance of social situations due to fear of negative evaluation socially More than 6 months ii W M 3 2 iii Found across cultures iv Treatments antidepressant medication exposure therapy cognitive therapy social skills training Specific i Fear in presence of a specific thing More than 6 months ii Higher in women than in men 2 1 iii Higher in hispanics and African americans iv Treatments systematic desensitization flooding modeling Behavioral View 2 Factor what classical creates operant maintains Preparedness Theory fears from evolutionarily perspective Modeling can be handed down Reoccuring unexpected panic atacks More than 1 month of worry about future panic attacks Intense fear for 10 minutes Need 4 13 symptoms somatic heart sweating nausea Cognitive dying thoughts losing control going crazy Agoraphobia persistent excessive fear of where escapes difficult Biological changes in norepinephrine role of brain circuits Cognitive misinterpretation of body symptoms high anxiety senses catastrophic misinterpretation cycle 3 Panic Disorder i Trigger stimulus perceived threat apprehension body sensations interpretation of senses as catastrophic Treatments drug therapy antidepressants benzodiazepines cognitive therapy 4 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessions constant thoughts Compulsions in response to thoughts Equally common among gender and race Onset in young adulthood Behavioral compulsions lower anxiety Treatment exposure and response prevention Cognitive compulsions neutralize obsessions Treatment cognitive therapy with habituation and cognitive behavioral therapy Biological low levels of serotonin abnormal functioning of brain circuit Treatment Antidepressants Foa et Al single treatment preferred 5 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Stress Disorders 1 PTSD confronted by event that involved the threat of death injury or threat to physical integrity of others Reaction fear helplessness horror a Symptoms reexerpiencing at least 1 emotional numbing and detachment at least 3 hypervigilance and chronic arousal at least 2 Occur at least 1 month Acute is less than 3 chronic is more than 3 2 Acute Stress Disorder traumatic event Symptoms in 4 weeks less than a month Dissociative symptoms More than 80 lead to PTSD 3 Onset late teens early 20 s 2x as common in women 4 Biological abnormal levels of cortisol and norepinephrine dysfunction in amygdala and hippocampus 5 Personality anxiety lack of control over negativity less able to find positivity from unpleasant situation 6 Factos Childhood social support severity of trauma Hispanics at high risk 7 Treatment a Prolonged Imaginal Exposre psychoeducation relaxation in vivo b Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing move eyes and exposure imaginal exposure flood mind with scary images c Cognitive Processing Therapy modify excessive negative appraisals reduce memories drop dysfunctional behaviors Suicide Completion is much less common than attempts More females attempt more men complete Elderly at increased risk and caucasions Joinders Interpersonal Theory o Preceived Burdonsomeness death is worth more than life o Thwarted Belongingness no meaningful relationships with others Treatment inpatient hospitalization drug treatments suicide prevention programs cognitive therapy Childhood Disorders 1 Anxiety Disorders a Causes parental anxiety genes stressful life events b Separation Anxiety Disorder physical symptoms about when the child is away from the parent c Treatment similar to adult Less cognitive parental involvement a Gender differences by age 16 puberty irritable instead of sadness b Treatments CBT medication medication 2 Major Depressive Disorder 3 Bipolar Disorder a Teen adult onset 4 Oppositional Defiant Disorder a Loses temper defiant with adults angry annoyed b More common in boys c Causes genetics child factors environment d Treatment Behavioral Parent Training and Parent Child Interaction Therapy 5 Conduct Disorder a Need 3 symptoms in a year 1 in the past month b Being destructive or a bully c Majority have ODD first d Onset 7 15 years e More common in boys f McMahon and Frick overt destructive overt nondestructive covert destructive covert nondestructive overt public covert private g Types of aggression instrumental objects hostile physical at others relational gossip and social h Treatments Parent Child Interaction Therapy Parent Management Training Juvenile training centers 6 ADHD a Before age 7 present in 2 settings Types combined inattentive hyperactive impulsive b Much more common in boys c Treatment medication behavioral therapy combination 7 Pervasive Developmental Disorders a Lifelong disorders b Social nonverbal behaviors peer relationships shared enjoyment social emotiaonl reciprocity c Communication developmental delay in language impaired conversation skills odd language use lack of make believe or social imitative play d Repertitive restrivtive stereotyped interests behaviors focus on specific objects or types nonfunctional routines stereotyped repetitive motor mannerisms preoccupation with parts of an object e Autistic Disorder 2 social symptoms 1 communication 1 rep boys more common 8 Mental Retardation f Asperger s Disorder 2 social 1 repetitive no language cog delay IQ is below 70 a b Lack social conceptual and practical skills c 80 85 is mild d types mild moderate severe profound Mood Disorders 1 Unipolar Disorders common commorbidities anxiety and substance abuse a major depressive disorder i 5 9 symptoms 2 weeks long ii Must have either depressed mood or loss of interest pleasure in activities iii Feelings of worthlessness guilt weight changes sleep difficulties psychomotor retardation loss of energy problems with concentration and decision making

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OSU PSYCH 3331 - Anxiety Disorders

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