DEFINITIONS Ayllu indigenous Andean community World music supposed to be authentic and pure marketed as culturally different but it sounds like what we already like World beat styles marketed as fusion mixed fusion of something western and non western Interlock hocket melody is shared between 2 instruments so that one plays while the other rests need 2 to complete the pitch and melody Consort tropa all instruments in same family tuned together Indigenous cultural category based on similar cultural values Requinteando more skilled players can improvise when there is silence on the panpipes for more of a challenge Heterophony in sync but out of phase same melody but by different instruments same melody but a little off Folklorization trying to preserve a tradition but it creates a new one changes in context and meaning Indigenismo artistic movement mestizos established their own versions of indigenous traditions Culture shared habits of thought and behavior similar ways of thinking and acting Cosmopolitanism a type of cultural formation that is not place specific can have same values in different parts of world Cultural cohorts smaller croups embedded in the larger cultural formation it is apart of we all belong to many based on hobbies music political parties etc they change Modernist cosmopolitanism people part of this cultural formation celebrate worldly knowledge technology hierarchy individualism and presentational music open minded to other cultures Anti modernist cultural cohorts interested in folk music because they value simplicity as a cure to the stresses of their lives raised with capitalist values but they tend to drop them and gradually change them Silk and bamboo performed in teahouses starts slow picks up thick sound because of combination of strings and winds with high intonation heterophony same melody different instruments improvise embellish high register silk string bamboo flute informal setting participatory play from memorization learn by listening and imitating can talk during performance social music no distinction between performer and audience circular formation Shanghai Chinese Orchestra formal presentational rehearsed same uniform concert hall large instrument ensemble play off sheet music no improvising crescendo fast pace conductor that gives cues folklore of the teahouse due to national identity crisis national identity by going to the concerts Shona Mbira bira ceremony community bonds try to get in touch with ancestors by using a spirit medium want the advice and acceptance of ancestors try to draw ancestor in by playing music they like mbira draws in spirit mbira thumb piano circular formation high pitched notes call and response interlocking alternation of sound to create the whole call and response and hocket participatory sing and dance play music that ancestors like hypnotic repeating cyclical form variation improvisation slight changes but same melody repeated more than one melody creative listening to hear the melodies dense fuzzy thick sound makes it sound like a community attach bottlecaps to mbira goal is for all to participate tap stomp sing dance call and response Andean Panpipe ensembles of different ayllus Conima participatory so the size volume and strength of performance denotes the community s spirit and identity Spontaneous open ended and chaotic new compositions highly valued guia is a modest guide not really a leader guide performance of ensemble no real competition just for pride dense sound from overblowing some players play higher or lower than pitch level different skill levels large ensemble not tuned perfectly overlapping everyone welcome interlocking and hocketing context specific for certain times of year different instruments for dry and rainy season repetition AABBCC cyclical form melody repeats small differences distinguish one community from the next circle formation parallel polyphony same melody at different pitches all use same kind of instrument minor differences in songs are important because they are easy to learn music for doing not listening music is dance and dance is music walk in circles around musicians perform in festivals not clear who wins but sort of based on volume and who created the most excitement and interaction cloaking function rehearsals brainstorming sessions try to come up with new pieces do this by playing a tune and if others like it they will continue with it add on but otherwise it is ignored seen as composition of the community Culture political leadership of ayllus rotates among married couples gentle guiding group decisions egalitarianism no person can exert control over another non hierarchical consensus communitarianism emphasize community identity Centro Social Conima migrants folklorization of Andean panpipe ensembles folklore show contest presentational fixed form when performing clear beginning and end old composition try to sound just like Andean sound the same but more rehearsed organized less spontaneous precise guia is more of a director bossy leader dictator role in telling people how to play music real formal competition with judges less dense sound not everyone can join selective members rehearsals mandatory copy cassette tapes so not trying to produce new sounds were not involved in these traditions back at home no circular formation only one group plays at once Culture first from rural region to go to Lima faced prejudice so they formed clubs to form a sense of community and come together social networks first they played soccer to assimilate but this was not distinctive so they celebrated indigenous music and played the panpipes because they knew the audience would like it Indigenous Charango used for courting by young men context specific spontaneous lyrics with dirty meaning charango not made to last steel string all strumming participatory but in a way presentational for the young women cyclical and repetitive very dense sound heterophony different variations of a single melody men bring charangos to river so the sirenas mermaids can tune them and give them supernatural powers day dance boys on one side playing for girls on other and night dance unsupervised play music make love leads to trial marriage music helps convey their intentions motives and feelings indirectly new compositions highly valued tunes easy to learn because all boys need to be able to access prefer high pitches men play instruments women sing in high pitch Mestizo Charango cultural outsiders
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