Human Evolution 3 4 2104 Lecture Decent with Modification Darwin s o Few successful lineages o Extinctions are common o Adaptive Radiations o Expanded ecological space o PROCESS MACROEVOLUTION evolution Macro o 4 Mechanisms Natural Selection Mutation Gene Flow Genetic Drift All can change gene frequencies in population evolution Micro o Evolution of new species Require genetically unique reproductive units Example Titi Monkeys Amazon River Basin Linnaeus System of Classification KINGDOM Animals PHYLUM Chordates CLASS Mammals ORDER Primates FAMILY Hominids GENUS Homo SPECIES Homo sapiens Examples of Mammals 1 Bats 2 Carnivores 3 Ungulates 4 Primates 5 Rodents 6 Anteaters ONLY OF 17 TOTAL MAMMALS Variation Occurs within Primates o Differences Body Size Color Physical Characteristics Behavior o Similarities o Primitive Characterists Shaped due to ancestry o Convergences Similar habitats Primates Characteristics of 1 Most are arboreal or tree living o Exceptions baboons humans 2 Most live in tropical and subtropical habitats o Amazon Basin Congo Basin 20 North and South of Equator 3 Generalized Limb Structure 4 Pentadactyly five fingers and five toes 5 Grasping hands and feet 6 Replacement of claws with flat nails and tactile pads on surface of fingers 7 Forward facing eyes and stereoscopic vision 8 Reduced emphasis on olfaction relative to other mammals 9 Expansion and elaboration of the brain 10 Prolonged of the juvenile stage of development
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