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FMSC 280 Review Sheet for Classes Material for Test 1 Why is global health important solutions ARE PREVENTABLE equitably 1 What is the Institute of Medicine definition of global health hint there are two parts to it 1 involves health problems that transcend national borders things travel across borders and transmit diseases 2 refers to health problems that are best addressed by cooperative actions and 2 What are the four reasons given why global health matters to everyone 1 humanitarian 2 8 mil people died from aids tuberculosis malaria THESE 2 equity 90 healthcare spent on 10 diseases make resources spread 3 indirect impact 4 direct impact BIG 3 AIDS MALARIA TUBERCULOSIS HUNGER AND MALNUTRITIOUN are still a big prob 21st century challenge maintain and improve life expectancy and quality of life for all achieving for developing world what was achieved for the worlds pop E health technology in public health 1 What is e health The transfer of health resources and healthcare by electronic means o 1 delivery of health info for health professionals and health consumers through internet and tele communication o 2 using power of internet to improve public health services o 3 using the internet for health systems management used for health prevention health education diagnosis treatment professional education and collaboration data collection surveillance and logistics 2 What are the limitations of traditional information communication modalities A lot of people cant read there needs to be a way to print Traditional posters billboards flyers and brochures Static no room for improvement 3 What are the advantages of e technologies E technology Communication that uses the internet global electronic digital information sharing network that can be accessed using devices comps tablots smart phones Expanded reach of health info dramatically Can increase health literacy Make new things possibly rely on the internet Transmitted in 2 directions and accessed in 2 diff locations 4 What is public health informatics Systematic application of information and computer science and technology to public health practice research and learning 5 What is health literacy The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions Americans with poor health literacy use the emergency room more than those with good health literacy 6 How can e technology be used to educate health professionals 7 What is telemedicine What were the examples of telemedicine given in class Patient and healthcare provider are in diff locations through technology not face to face records 8 What are universal medical records How can they reduce the fragmentation of health services Effort to change organization of medical records universal electronic medical o 1 delivery of health info for health professionals and health consumers through internet and tele communication o 2 using power of internet to improve public health services o 3 using the internet for health systems management 9 What is the difference between push and pull approaches in e health Push approach search internet for familiar website pull info Pull approach in a system info is delivered without need for request ex doctor sends health info through email or texts about being healthy MOOC massive open online courses Theoretical Approaches family science is interdisciplinary Family science figure out how to make changes to improve the quality of life field of study where the primary goals are the discovery verification and application of knowledge about the family 1 What are the components of the Ecological Model bronfenbrenner Macrosystem cultural environment that surrounds us beliefs and attitudes cultural attitudes ideologies prejudice and racism laws beliefs about social class religious beliefs Exosystem wider social system part of interactions that you don t see health and human service systems occupational structure political organizations educational systems mass media Mesosystem interaction interacting with neighborhood family school if protective factors are in place resiliency is increased Microsystem genetics gender developmental stage personality characteristics family neighborhood school individual and immediate surroundings 2 What is the World Health Organization s definition of health Health is the state of complete physical mental and social well being and not merely the absence of infirmity 3 How is the World Health Organizations definition of health reflected in the life course development model Health is a state of complete physical mental and social well being and not merely the absence of infirmity Life course perspective changes over time in individual and family and larger sociocultural environment looks at growth overtime changes 4 What is a trajectory Influenced by multiple contexts In the ecological model contexts surrounding individuals 5 What are the contexts that affect health development a Genetic b Biological c Behavioral d Social e Economic in all these contexts Risk Factors Protective Factors Reflect timing sequence and cumulative influence of risk and protective factors 6 What are the definitions of risk factors and protective resilience factors o Increases the chances that there will be problems o Increases the chances that there will be resiliency positive o Resiliency ability to bounce back from adversity 7 Why is timing important in health development Early experiences effect later health Adult disease and disability is higher among o Those who had low birth weights o Those with poor early attachment to caregiver o Those whose parents smoked Poverty and health disparities 1 Define health disparities Refers to differences between groups such as how many people in a group get sick how often death occurs when ppl get sick Racial and ethnic minorities Women children and the elderly Persons with disabilities People who live in rural areas People who live in developing countries 2 How many categories are there in the World Health Organization s income groups for countries and what are the categories called High income those with a per capita annual income of 10 666 or higher Upper middle income countries have an annual income of 3 000 to 10 000 ex baswana chile mexico parts of eastern Europe south Africa turkey Lower middle 826 3200 ex latin America former soviet union asia Lower income 825 or less ex parts of asia sub Saharan Africa

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