NUTR 33512 Nutrition Chapter 2 Tools of a Healthy Diet The T eteuqt fe t en onaz ln a rxaS DRls are a comprehenriu populations that can be used for a su A 7 tannin diets Established by A merican and Canadian scientists The DRls reflect the current state of si iarrri c lr rrrool eale with respect to nutrient requirements j d d 63licna d MZ Ar r fa ro v randzd O L l Sttcrt a o a A RDAs t1 u u Requirements EARs ftdq i t ln atz Alsl Tolerable Upper lntake Levels ULs Not a DRI JT Requirements EERq 4 Adequate Macronutrient Distribution Rang Ahrgp51 j r T K D r Ena K T ldeally meets more than RDA A tF T v t 41 48o u popuration sroup oq6 JlV Prevent deficiency and chronic disease a P u L s Y6 il I i 5J J have ru ctionar ilTIiJ sroup a Maximum doJ r11y ncaJA Based on nutrient intake from all sources ULs F ffi FFR r Averag c cr il g f ofrdc equ ts need for each life stage group AMDRs Range of intake as a Pu Cu aAL fnl lDs Essential amino acids of energy ilnorlei na 3n6 t a I Putting the DRI s for Nutrient Needs to Use table Nutrient Density 3 Divide the amount of the 0u rfunr Rer se r rtr r by the recommended amount Divide the calories in a serving by daily caloric need Compare the two Frytp y Ca ode fuAS a a Nutrient Density figure qf requires food labels on most products ffre FDh These labels must include A statement of Net cr rueru o th p n g narcdientS lit Manufacturer s name and address orb J f Ap nhtt4 c and servings per container be used to plan appropriate amounts of food serving sizes allow for comparisons among rynv similar products ffi List of nutrients Tellhowmuch offoodcontributestoyouroverall intake of the listed nutrients U Compare DV between foods for any nutrient total saturated trans nho 6tqo Sodium Protein Some vitamins and rnd minerals t FOOtnOIe lio atace on a X s DV are based 8 w Shows difference between a Ar I and LtW Contains general Ai f f alut r for all people q 0A l don calorie diet label l r 11 Th I Fresh fruit vegetable raw single ingredient meal poultry fish are na Etn SQA mpnk products a calorie diet requiredonalabel Not Daily Value tor QtCkCtr for foods intended for 4 yrs or older fc tin N l cic nc is rare 4 is expensive Procedure to determine hod Iabrt hiqg Nutrient Content Claims Closely regulated by trDS Health Claims Closely regulated bv FlDft Pretiminary l eatth C tux rn Regulated but limited scientific evidence 4 Not FDA approv 6 nd gpn p n ee Structure Function Claims 6 r4 t etlfiGt blealth Cl t t lllrrrtfl Frr Og te oAef os ts Cafalo r C r l Some cancer 6 tot Hypertension Neuraltube defects eptrt ta l Stroke free no added free low high good source added free low reduced e o u ent free low reduced niviu nt free low light trihr p k e o L hlL nlfjf jillin 5 rh r st drd A e I cl seg Farming conditions S S and SA 6 of ptants H Processes C omparison of a food s Cn of cJr k per gram weight of the food density foods 5 7 l Graham crackers potato chips peanuts bacon Lott rwau Lettuce strawberries grapefruit carrots densiw foods Balance Calories to manage to encourage Sodium Fats saturated trons cholesterol Solid fats and added sugars Refined grains AlrahalirFlarrar oa Alcoholic Beverages Foods and food components to l L rr t r lcrDf o btrn S n6 c ul ks Whole grains A r l or b P I it Variety of protein and seafood oils to ft c g cil l a dds Foods dairy lcium vitamin D V 1a 5 Puts Dietary Guidelines into action 20ll revision of Emphasizes fruit vegetable grain protein and dairy food groups t a o I a fitlffifi e N lnee table Portion sizes figure MyPlate figure Pbdr t utrftio n Adv ice xr d q V 5rtr1 G wic tc X Warnings of danger Sounds too good to be true SinnQ ir rc Ccrr t nicns Recommendations based on single study Dramatic statements Lists ACOA Selling a product Studies published without Q1h rt gt t Studies that ignore differences among individuals or groups baa and foods
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