UMass Amherst CHEM 112 - Proposal form for Jury Simulation Project

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Methods Psych 241 Proposal form for Jury Simulation Project Names of Group members Domenica DiStasio Arianna Jones Liam Farrell and Kathleen Collins Variables IV Gender of the defendant A Levels of IV 2 Male or Female A Predicted results for IV We believe that there will be heavier sentencing for men as opposed to A women Prediction based on Intuition Previous research IV SES B Levels of IV 2 High SES or Low SES B Predicted results for IV People with low SES will get higher sentences Prediction based on Intuition Previous research B IV X IV the interaction of your two IVs A B Predicted result of IV and IV Males that are in low socio economic status are going to get more A B of a sentence than females in low socioeconomic status Prediction based on Intuition Previous research DV length of sentencing Class A Felony 8 20 years 8 ounces or more 0 to 20 Open ended 0 20 years Participant Information You will need a minimum of 15 scores per cell for your study Given the IVs and levels of IVs that you are using how many participants do you plan to recruit 80 100 participants Who will you recruit as potential participants Adults Students Men Women Students at the University of UMass How will you recruit participants on campus off campus students in your classes or work place Participants will be recruited on campus and in the classroom asking professors to give surveys within the classroom How will you protect anonymity and confidentiality We will have them fill out the simulation without recording their name and we won t tell anyone else their name or how they answered What important information will you give your participants to guarantee informed consent Inform the participants that the subject matter of the survey is concerned with possession and use of heroin and that if they are uncomfortable with that subject matter they are allowed to stop taking the survey at any time Will you do a debriefing after the participant is finished If so what will this consist of Yes we will uncover the real reasons for this study but only if they opt for a debriefing We will tell participants that we were analyzing attitudes towards how sex and SES of the defendant influenced their sentencing The Scenario Please provide a copy of each scenario that you will be using In this scenario for the purposes of the proposal only please highlight or underscore the part of the scenario that describes your manipulated IV s The crime that was committed by our defendant is that they were pulled over in the state of New York for possession with intent to sell of over 8 ounces of Heroin a Schedule 1 drug It is a class A Felony The defendants were pulled over for driving offenses broken tail light speeding etc 4 scenarios will be done 1 Matt is unemployed living with his mother who is pulled over with more than 8 ounces of heroin in his car 2 Matt is a son of a ceo caught with heroin with intent to distribute 3 Emily is a daughter of a ceo caught with heroin w intent to distribute 4 Emily is unemployed living with her mother pulled over with more than 8 ounces of heroin in her car How many scenarios will you need Four scenarios How many copies of each scenario will you need 20 copies Be sure that every member of the group gives out a roughly equal number of each type of scenario If you have a separate answer sheet be sure there is some code on the sheet to indicate which condition the participant was in If you plan to include any other questions on your scenario please include them below Gender Age SES Have you taken our survey yet Class Year Overall scenario all surveys get this PERSON was pulled over on route 2 for having a broken tail light The officer who pulled over him her asked to see their license and the registration papers for the car Person opened their glove box to get the registration papers when a bag fell out clearly containing drugs or drug paraphernalia The officer demanded Person to exit the vehicle and proceeded to cuff him her and search the car In result the officer discovered 8 ounces of heroin along with heroin related drug paraphernalia Low SES male Scenario A Matt is a 25 year old unemployed male who has been living with his mother in her apartment for the past 5 years He dropped out of college due to financial difficulties He started to deal heroin in an attempt to increase his income for the past 2 years but still hasn t made enough money to move out of his mother s apartment High SES male Scenario B Matt is a 25 year old male who is the son of the CEO of a multimillion dollar software company His parents pay for his education but he deals heroin on the side in order to buy the luxuries that he desires He has been drug dealing for the past 2 years which allows him enough income to buy fancy clothes and jewelry amongst other valuables Low SES female Scenario C Emily is a 25 year old unemployed female who has been living with her mother in her apartment for the past 5 years She dropped out of college due to financial difficulties She started to deal heroin in an attempt to increase her income for the past 2 years but still hasn t made enough money to move out of her mother s apartment High SES female Scenario D Emily is a 25 year old female who is the daughter of the CEO of a multimillion dollar software company Her parents pay for her education but she deals heroin on the side in order to buy the luxuries that she desires She has been drug dealing for the past 2 years which allows her enough income to buy fancy clothes and jewelry amongst other valuables Jury Simulation Intent to Sell Heroin Disclaimer We are running a jury simulation research study at UMass The project is being done by Psych 241 students Your participation in this research study is voluntary You may choose not to participate If you decide to participate in this research survey you may withdraw at any time If you decide not to participate in this study or if you withdraw from participating at any time you will not be penalized Your responses will be confidential and we do not collect identifying information such as your name email address or id number The results of the study will be used to research purposes only If you wish to participate you may begin filling out the survey now Demographics Age Year of Graduation Gender Socioeconomic Status Overall Scenario PERSON was pulled over on route 2 for having a broken tail light The officer who pulled over him her asked to see their license and the registration papers for the

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