Catherine Callahan Chem 112 L01 99LL Experiment 3 Report Introduction Exp 1 2 3 10 5 10 Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 The purpose of this experiment was to record the time of the reaction between potassium permanganate and oxalic acid at different volumes Our goal was to determine the order of the reaction with respect to both potassium permanganate and oxalic acid as well as the overall order of the reaction Finally we sought to find the rate constant k for the reaction The initial volumes are shown in the table below KMnO4 H2C2O4 H2O Total mL Average Time 20 20 10 0 5 10 30 30 30 Trial Times 1 2 3 222 213 234 293 283 308 407 423 417 223 294 416 Final Concentrations Molarity M KMnO4 Molarity H2C2O4 0 0067 0 0033 0 0067 0 33 0 33 0 167 To find concentration of KMnO4 M1V1 M2V2 0 2M 0 01L x 0 03L 0 0067 M To find concentration of H2C2O4 M1V1 M2V2 0 5M 0 02L x 0 03L 0 33M To find initial reaction rate if KMnO4 Initial rate concentration reaction time 0 0067 223 0 00003 or 3 0E 5 0 0033 294 0 000011 or 1 1E 5 To find initial reaction rate if H2C2O4 Initial rate concentration reaction time 0 33 223 0 00148 or 1 48E 3 FInd reaction order of KMnO4 To find first order reaction with respect to KMnO4 2 224 223 2 x log 2 636 2 x 0 421 x log 2 1 4 approx 1 To find first order reaction with respect to H2C2O4 416 223 2 y 1 865 2 y log 1 865 y log 2 0 9 approx 1 The overall reaction order which would be 1 1 2 This is equal to the sum of the reaction order with respect to KMnO4 and H2C2O4 The rate constant k KMnO4 2 H2C2O4 3 0E 5 0 0067 2 0 333 0 22254399643 Conclusion The purpose of this experiment was to determine the rate constant and overall reaction order for the oxidation reduction reaction between potassium permanganate and oxalic acid The overall reaction order and rate constants were calculated by finding the values of x and y The x exponent for KMnO4 was 1 4 and thus approximately 1 while the y exponent for H2C2O4 was also about 1 To get the overall reaction order these two exponents added together equals 2 The rate constant was calculated to be 0 22 In conclusion increasing the concentration of the reactant does increase the rate of reaction Overall the experiment went smoothly despite some errors that may have impacted our findings This could be due to mixing the liquids at different speeds as well as the fact that not the entire volume of permanganate was added since some drops stuck to the side of the tube
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