UMass Amherst CHEM 112 - Interpreting ANOVA Summary Tables

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Domenica DiStasio Exercise 4 241 Interpreting ANOVA Summary Tables 1 Use the information in this ANOVA Summary Table to answer the questions below Source Sum of Squares df MS F Sig Sex 456 411 1 456 411 4 54 0211 Presentation 678 034 1 678 034 6 74 0164 Sex Presentation 378 623 1 378 623 3 76 0399 Error 3620 143 36 100 559 Total 16612 712 39 20 414 a Give the statistical statement for the main effect of Sex F df ratio p value a F 1 36 4 54 P 0 0211 b Is there a significant main effect of Sex Yes No b Yes p value 0 05 level of significance c Give the statistical statement for the main effect of Presentation F df ratio pvalue c F 1 36 6 74 P 0 0164 d Is there a significant main effect of Presentation Yes No d yes p value 0 05 level of significance e Give the statistical statement for the interaction of Sex and Presentation F df ratio p value e F 1 36 3 76 P 0 0399 Domenica DiStasio Exercise 4 241 f Is there a significant interaction of Sex and Presentation Yes No f yes p value 0 05 level of significance g Given the information in the table above how many levels of Presentation were there How many levels of Sex were there g Presentation 2 levels Sex 2 levels h Given the information in the table above what design was used in this study h 2x2 2 by 2 factorial design used repeated measures Use the information in the ANOVA printouts to answer the questions on the next page Source SS df MS F ratio Sig Grade 64 445 1 64 445 2 05 0311 Organization 456 411 1 456 411 14 53 0264 Grade Organization 342 572 1 342 572 10 90 0199 Error 1256 711 40 31 420 Total 2120 139 43 49 306 IV Grade Dependent Variable Recall Domenica DiStasio Exercise 4 241 Grade Mean Std Error Second Sixth 8 5 14 1 4894 1 4894 IV Organization Dependent Variable Recall Organization Mean Std Error Ordered Random 14 5 8 3 5805 3 5805 Interaction of Grade Organization Grade Organization Mean Std Error Second Ordered Random 13 4 5 2536 1 6949 Sixth Ordered Random 16 12 1 7889 1 2060 2 Use the information in the ANOVA printouts on the previous page to answer the questions below a Give the statistical statement for the main effect of Grade use APA style F 1 40 2 05 p 0 0311 b If the effect is statistically significant describe the main effect of Grade based on the means Domenica DiStasio Exercise 4 241 The sixth graders performed better on the task M 14 than the second graders M 8 5 c Give the statistical statement for the main effect of Organization F 1 40 14 53 p 0 0264 d If the effect is statistically significant describe the main effect of Organization based on the means The students performed better on the organized tasks m 14 50 than the randomized tasks M 8 e Give the statistical information for the interaction of Grade and Organization F 1 40 10 9 p 0 0199 Score f Generate a graph of the interaction means 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Grade Level Ordered Random g If this is a significant interaction then describe the interaction in words This is a significant interaction because the lines are not parallel they would end up intersecting and p 0 05 Source Initial Stress Error b s Hours Init Hours Error w s Sum of Squares 273 067 222 000 2000 833 75 433 148 400 df 1 18 2 2 36 Mean Square 273 067 12 33 1000 417 37 717 4 122 F ratio Sig 22 14 0000 242 69 9 15 0000 001 Domenica DiStasio Total 2719 733 Measure Stress Score Initial Stress Hours High 1 2 3 Moderate 1 2 3 Exercise 4 241 59 Mean 41 7 33 1 25 4 36 0 27 1 23 4 Std Error 723 881 871 723 881 871 3 Use the information in the ANOVA printouts on the previous page to answer the questions below a Give the statistical statement for the main effect of Initial Stress use APA style F 22 14 p 0 000 b If the effect is statistically significant describe the main effect of Initial Stress based on the means People with high initial stress after one hour of training have the highest stress score M 41 7 out of the three groups M 33 1 after two hours and M 25 4 after three hours It is evident that stress score decreases as initial stress decreases and hours of training increase Individuals with moderate initial stress after one hour of training had higher stress scores M 36 0 than individuals after two hours of training M 27 1 and three hours of training M 23 4 c Give the statistical statement for the main effect of Hours of Training F 2 36 242 69 p 0 000 d If the effect is statistically significant describe the main effect of Hours of training based on the means Those with more hours of training had lower stress scores M 25 4 for high initial stress and M 23 4 for moderate initial stress e Give the statistical information for the interaction of Initial Stress and Hours of Training F 2 36 9 15 p 0 001 Domenica DiStasio Exercise 4 241 Stress Score f Draw a graph of the interaction means 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 1 1 5 2 2 5 3 3 5 Hours High Moderate g If this is a significant interaction then describe the interaction in words There is a significant interaction because the lines are not parallel they would meet and intersect around 3 2 hours and p 0 05

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