Fluvial Geomorphology 1 Define fluvial geomorphology What are the two methods rivers change the environment 2 Describe the work energy balance for aggradation and degradation of a stream Aggradation Degradation 3 How are most of the world s valleys formed a Circle the shape these valleys typically have V shaped U Shaped 4 What are the three methods of sediment transport Which one tends to create braided streams Fluvial Geomorphology 5 How do stream terraces form How do we get alluvial fans What is a doline 6 Describe the differences in landscape form hydrology and sediment transport in the Chadron formation and Brule formation of the South Dakota Badlands Chadron Brule Landscape form drawing Landscape form curved or straight Fluvial Process Infiltration or overland flow Sediment transport creep or sheet erosion 7 How does the Chadron and Brule formations generalize to other landscapes
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