1 Label the parts of the inner earth 2 What is the lithosphere How is this different than the asthenosphere 3 Describe convergent divergent and transform plate boundaries What type of force occurs at the boundary i e tension compression or shear What type of features do you get with each Plate Boundary Description Forces Type Features Oceanicoceanic Convergent Continentalcontinental Divergent Oceanicoceanic Oceaniccontinental Continentalcontinental Transform Any Type 4 What is subduction and when does it occur 5 What is the difference between continental drift and plate tectonics What is Pangea 6 Describe shield volcanoes cinder cones composite cones and plug domes Shield Volcano Cinder Cone Composite Cone Description Sketch Magma type basalt andesite or rhyolite Effusive or Explosive Eruption Put a star next to the volcano type that most large famous volcanoes are 7 What is a nuee ardente A lahar Plug Dome The following questions should be covered in the last lecture 12 6 8 Is the following feature created by tension compression or shear Is this an example of a normal fault or a reverse fault Label the horst s and graben s 9 Label the features of landscape Is this landscape formed by tension compression or shear Do we find these in the natural environment why or why not 10 Match the following feature names of the landscape to their correct location A B C D E Anticlinal Valley Synclinal Ridge Hogback Cuesta Mesa F Bute
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