UB UGC 211 - Gun Violence Continued

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UGC 211 1st Edition Lecture 23 NYS Tightens Gun Laws 1 Called the SAFE Act 2 Tightening states existing assault weapons ban 3 Background checks for people who buy guns privately 4 State wide gun registry and uniformed license standard not county determined 5 Limit the number of bullets allowed in magazine 7 6 Strengthen rules that govern the mentally ill Downstate supports Act Upstate does not support Act Detailed NY Safe Act o Limit to 7 rounds in magazine 10 rounds in competition o Ammunition dealers are required to do background checks similar to those for gun buyers o Requires designated mental health professionals who believe a mental health patient made a credible threat of harming others to report the threat controversial because mental health professionals say it puts confidentiality in jeopardy o Stolen guns are required to be reported within 24 hours many people don t realize their gun is stolen in 24 hours o Requires creation of a registry of assault weapons Those New Yorkers who already own such weapons would be required to register their guns with the state o The sale and or transfer of newly defined assault weapons is banned within the state although sales out of state are permitted o Possession of the newly defined assault weapons is allowed only if they were possessed at that time that the law was passed and must be registered with the state within one year o Requires background checks for all gun sales including by private sellers o Guns must be safely stored from any household member who has been convicted of a felony or domestic violence crime has been involuntarily committed or is currently under an order of protection o Increase sentences for gun crimes o Upgrading the offense for taking a gun on school property from a misdemeanor to a felony o Increases penalties for shooting first responders Webster provision to life in prison o Handgun owners can be identified publicly afraid it will make people make false assumptions option to not be on list o Requires pistol permit holders or owners of registered assault weapons to have them renewed at least every five years o Allows law enforcement officials to pre emptively seize a person s firearms without a warrant Criticism o Pushed too quickly because of the forbear and emotion after Sandy Hook o Some thing the assault weapon ban prevents possession of guns for hunting target shooting and self defense o The 7 round magazine mix up o Mental health professionals have concerns o Mostly supported downstate and criticized upstate Other Parts of USA o Connecticut passed similar law o The UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to approve What Obama Says 90 Americans support background checks 80 of Republicans support it What the NRA Says called for armed guards in schools problems money volunteers inconsistency someone not trained well armed guards at Columbine didn t do anything only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun How can we make our school safer o Armed guards expensive o Teach about guns Creating an Action Plan Beliefs don t make us who we are Actions do Kivel Article 1 Assume racism is everywhere everyday 2 Notice who is the center of attention and power 3 Notice how racism is denied minimized and justified 4 Understand and learn from the history of whiteness and racism 5 Be strategic 6 Don t confuse the battle with the war 7 Don t call names or be personally abusive 8 Support the leadership of people of color Manifesta o Personal activism take a personal topic of great interest to you and motivate that cause o The 4 Myths of Activism 1 has to be huge 2 have to have a super leader 3 has to be fast 4 belittle young generation lazy people 18 24 create change Don t be indifferent Make a change Make it personal

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UB UGC 211 - Gun Violence Continued

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