BIOL 120 1st edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I Overview of Genetic Material II Review of DNA III DNA Replication Outline of Current Lecture I DNA Replication II Eukaryotic DNA Replication III DNA Repair IV Central Dogma V RNA VI Genetic Code Current Lecture I DNA Replication A Replication is Semi discontinuous 1 Leading strand 5 3 synthesized continuously 2 Lagging Strand 3 5 synthesized discontinuously with multiple priming events a copies in short fragments Okazaki Fragments b fragments filled with genetic material from an RNA primer II Eukaryotic DNA Replication A complicated by These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Large amounts of DNA in multiple chromosomes 2 DNA is a linear structure B Uses multiple replicons multiple origins of replication for each chromosome 1 makes replication process much faster C Initiation phase of replication requires 1 helicase to unwind DNA 2 Primase to synthesis RNA 3 then it can load DNA polymerase a main replication polymerase DNA polymerase epsilon and DNA polymerase delta D Telomeres 1 They are specialized structures found on the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes to protect ends from nucleases and maintain integrity of linear chromosome 2 become shorter each round of division unable to replicate 3 composed of short repeated DNA sequences III DNA Repair A Mutagens any agent that increases the number of mutations above background level 1 viral infection cellular metabolism radiation chemical exposure etc B Specific Repair 1 targets a single kind of lesion in DNA and repairs only that damage C Nonspecific 1 uses a single mechanism to repair multiple kinds of lesions in DNA 2 damaged region is removed and replaced by DNA synthesis Excision repair a recognition of damage b removal of damage c resynthesis using the info on the undamaged strand as a template D Photorepair 1 repair mechanism for damage caused by UV light 2 UV light causes adjacent links of Thymine bases in DNA to combine together Thymine Dimer a cells absorb light and use that energy to remove the thymine dimer IV Central Dogma A The process that converts DNA information storage through transcription RNA information carrier through Translation Proteins active cell machinery
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