UGC 211 1st Edition Lecture 2 Current Lecture Domestic Violence Continued o o o o o o o o o Men can be victims of sexual assault too 1 in 5 men have experienced sexual violence other than rape in their lifetime But what constitutes rape LGBTQ 1 in 8 lesbians nearly half of bisexual women and one in six heterosexual women have been raped in their lifetime Transgender people 65 of transgender people have experiences assault in their lifetime Estimated 700 000 transgender people in the US That s 448 000 people being sexually assaulted Why is this information more discussed in the public forum Domestic Violence o o o o o o o o o o o 4 types physical emotional financial sexual Physical bruises scratches most visible Emotional telling partner they are useless threatening to take children mentally bringing someone down Sexual rape sexual assault happens even in relationships and marriages Financial restricting someone from spending money controlling money controlling bank account threat if there is a divorce they will never see a penny Common Couple Violence less dangerous mutual women most likely to be injured Intimate terrorism patriarchal terrorism severe and lethal one sided and intense Domestic violence happens to everyone all races even wealthy and poor 1st stage seduce charm victim 2nd state isolate abuse 15 million children are abused yearly Barriers to Seeking Help o o o o o Social isolation Financial dependence Fear of repercussion Pressure to keep family together Lack of appropriate community response These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute The Signs o o o o o o o Possessive Controlling Makes you feel uncomfortable about sex Ignores Punishes Physically hurts you Smashes throws things Family Justice Center o o o System before was detrimental Go to city court for restraining order go to hospital running around all over town attacker could be following you Family Justice Center got all these different places in one location rather than running around town Gun Violence in America o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o April 20 1999 Eric Harris and Dylan Kiebold shooting spree at Columbine High School January 8th 2011 Giffords shot in head when Loughner opened fire at event at a Safeway market in Tucson July 20th 2012 Dark Knight Rises August 5th 2012 Sikh temple members killed when US veteran Page opened fire December 14 2012 27 people killed at Sandy Hook elementary school 20 of these casualties were first graders Over 150 mass shootings since 2006 that matched FBI definition of mass shooting where four or more people were killed Why is this happening again and again Aggressive music video games violent movies high divorce rate US history poverty Lots of guns lots of violence 2nd amendment a well regulated militia being necessary to the secruirty of a free state right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed The killers more than half involve school or workplace shootings Other places including malls restaurants and religions and government buildings Average age of killer 35 Majority mentally ill Mass shootings are a small percent of America s gun violence NY SAFE Act limit to 7 rounds in magazine ammunition dealers required to do background checks similar to those for gun buyers requires mental health professionals who believe a mental health patient made a credible threat of harming others to report the threat stolen guns are required to be reported within 24 hours
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