GEO 155 1st Edition Lecture 22 Last Lecture Streams as Geomorphic Agents Outline of Current Lecture I Glacial Landforms a Landforms of Alpine Glaciation II Slides Current Lecture Landforms of Alpine Glaciation Cirque Ice begins forming towards the top of a mountain the steep slope allows ice to move glacier forms follows out a basin in the mountain Cirque Glacier Glacier forms within an existing cirque Valley Glacier Valley fills with ice Arete Steepened ridge that forms in between two eroded cirques These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Horn Narrow rocky peak steep on all sides that forms in between two cirque basins Glacial Trough U shaped valley formed when a valley is eroded by a cirque o Plucking creates tarn lake formed by erosion usually seen in a series o More ice means more erosion in bigger valleys When a larger valley is connected to a smaller valley by a tributary the bigger valley if often lowered by erosion creating a hanging valley Water from the tributary and the smaller valley waterfall into the hanging valley below Depositional Landforms Terminal and recessional moraines form in valley glaciers as they retreat but the glacier moves out further melting on either side till is deposited on either side known as lateral moraine o If a stream passes through it fills the moraine washing out the terminal moraine but the lateral moraine remains in tact
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