LINGUIS 101 1st Edition Lecture 17 Morphology part 3 Creating words Morphological processes used to form words o Affixation o Compounding o Reduplication o Vowel alternation o Suppletion Affixation Form a words by adding a bound affix to base The base may be a free or bound root or a complex word o Travel s travels o De ceive deceive Affixation in ASL Agreement in spoken language and sign language Compounds Form a new word by combining two existing free words o Green A house N greenhouse o Dry A clean V dryclean Spelling of compounds o English orthography is not consistent in spelling compounds Girlfriend Landlord Tests for compounds stress o Some compounds can be distinguished from phrases by stress Compound stress typically on first component Phrase stress on second component or both Tests for compounds inflection adverbs o Inflectional affixes cannot be attached to the first member of a compound Inflection must be added to the word as a whole o An adverb cannot modify an adjective inside a compound Reduplication Form a new word by copying and repeating all or part of a base Total reduplication repeat the entire base Partial reduplication repeat part of a base Alternation internal change form a new word by substituting one nonmorphemic segment for another o sing present sang past suppletion irregular word formation process where a morpheme is replaced with an entirely different form o go present went past o good better comparative
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