UB UGC 211 - Food Inc.

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UGC 211 1st Edition Lecture 14 Food Inc Film o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Industry not telling you exactly what you re eating because you won t eat Meat is being processed by huge corporations coming from huge assembly lines food much more dangerous workers and animals being abused Companies don t want farmers talking or this story told Whole industrial food system began with fast food 1930s drive in for food McDonalds fast food huge success teaching workers to perform one job easy and paid them low wages Changed how ground beef was produced Handful of companies controlling our food system Three or four companies controlling the meat big and powerful Tyson meat packing company Redesign the chicken to have large breasts white meat changed the chicken Changed the farmers Produce a lot of food on small amount of land at an affordable price Grow a chicken quicker Chickens never see sunlight always in dark Farmers don t want to talk Rapid growth they can t carry their own weight so they fall down Chicken houses are packed fifthly species and dust everywhere To build one poultry house 280 000 Farmers debt keeps building companies tell them what to do slaves to the company At supermarket it looks like a lot of variety but really it s just an illusion 200 bushels of corn is not a problem to grow Engineer new foods Many products have corn High fructose corn syrup Corn is main component of feeding animals So much corn drives down the price of meat E Coli evolves in cows that are fed corn It s found in spinach and apple juice Processing plants are get larger pathogens are being processed 13 slaughter houses processed majority of beef Thousands of different cattle in a patty of meat Kevin s Law can shut down companies who fail contamination tests repeatedly Skewed our food system to bad calories they are heavily subsidized Come from wheat corn and soy beans bad calories Income is tied to obesity Salt fat and sugar tastes people go for These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o o o o o o o Spikes in insulin wearing down of hour body metabolizes sugar Diabetes is now affecting children Teddy Roosevelt and Beef Trust Meat packing worker good wage good pension until companies got bigger Meat packing one of the most dangerous jobs Illegal immigrants working for the meat packing companies they used to be corn farmers in Mexico More than a million and half Mexican farmers were put out of work couldn t compete with the corn expense in US

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UB UGC 211 - Food Inc.

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