Journ 1100 Edition 1st Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture Journalism Digital Technologies I Paywalls a Hard paywall b Soft paywall II Nonprofit News Model a Other nonprofits b How news nonprofits stay sustainable III How can the Internet and social media be used to report news IV Hyperlocal journalism V Concepts Old and New Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V VI News Media Transition a Print first model b Interim model c Digital first model d Website content Internet as a news medium News Aggregation 3 Kinds of Aggregation 1 Copy Paste 2 Public Service 3 Storytelling Is aggregation legal a Copyright law b Idea and facts c Titles short phrases d Fairuse e Nature of work f Transformative Linking Current Lecture I News Media Transition a Print first model website repurposed version of print newspaper These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute b Interim model breaking news is posted without immediate copy editing changes reflected online as stories are edited for printing c Digital first model interactive copy editors at hub online production posting on social media print staff designers and editors repurpose d Website content next step model storytelling can emphasize strengths of each medium II Internet as a news medium What is unique about the internet compared with print radio and television Internet always with us transmits immediacy Can find info very fast Replaced all mediums Interactive has two way communication III News Aggregation Web short attention span medium Online audience is active interested not always fully engaged Want news room that produces original reporting Good content better serves the audience Brain has limited capacity to interact with information Easier to bypass information you don t care about IV 3 Kinds of Aggregation aggregation collection of things 4 Copy Paste list headlines copy beginning of story links to sources 5 Public Service links to useful information describe what readers should expect 6 Storytelling more than summarizing or coping use information online as source for original story V Is aggregation legal a Copyright law protect original work can t print something that someone else said must be fixed in tangible medium of expression b Idea and facts can t be copyrighted how they are expressed can be c Titles short phrases aren t protected by copyright laws d Fair use very grey area commercial vs nonprofit e Nature of work educational content is fair use amount excerpted effect on value of copyrighted work 2 3 paragraphs of a novel is okay while 3 minutes of a song is bad f Transformative is the new work a replacement for the original work or does it have new spin then it becomes transformative and different VI Linking What do hyperlinks do These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute They redirect readers from one page to the next adding interactivity Create online credibility for journalists Have gatekeeping function journalists control what information is shared These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute
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