Ugc 211 1st Edition Lecture 13 Current Lecture Why is there an African American mistrust of public health o Pre Tuskegee o Pre Henrietta Laks women who died in 1954 from cervical cancer advanced took her cells and multiplied without her knowing it heLa cells could send them all over world and do research corporations established all sorts of vaccines cures were possible as a result family didn t find out until the 80s impoverished major health issues no health care for them as these heLa cells made lots of money created mistrust o Gamble Article o Experiments conducted on African Americans acceptable to do these experiments because they weren t seen as humans o Tuskegee Study 399 Black men from Macon County Alabama were deliberately denied effective treatment for syphilis in order to document the natural history of the disease some already had syphilis others didn t left them untreated some injected with syphilis many people were dying and infecting their families o Slaves were collapsing because of dehydration and malnutrition experiment put slave in hole and see how long they can stand live until near close death trying to figure out the threshold seeing how much they could work to their full potential with limited amount of food and water o Grave robbing in Philadelphia provided bodies for the city s medical schools by plundering the graves at a Black cemetery o Night doctors folktales kidnap African Americans to do experiments on their body Black Controlled Hospitals Tuskegee Alabama 1923 o Have black people treat other black people for better care Documentary on Tuskegee Study o o o o o o Men were never told they had syphilis told them they had bad blood mislead about receiving treatment 1947 penicillin standard treatment suffering of men still continued At end of study only 74 were alive Ended in 1972 exposed by reporter Jean Hiller May 16th 1997 Bill Clinton issued a public apology Since then many positive social changes elected first black president These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Other examples of Medical Racisum o o o o o o o o P 7 8 Not just paranoia Alisha Georges emergency room experience severe stomachache ER nurse acts her what she has eaten where it hurts and how many sexual partners she has had racism Women broke her arm told by resident physician to hold her arm like she holds her beer on a Saturday night racism White people are given superior service and medical care compared to African Americans Heart disease and treatment Measles Epidemic 1989 among college campuses all told to go and get a vaccination as child CVC decided to test out new measles vaccination without telling Black and Latino parents of children that vaccination had not been licensed or associated with increase in death in Africa Public mistrust of healthcare among people of color health conditions are untreated Demand for Organ Donors Article 15 Health and Wealth o o o o o o o AIDS many African Americans refused to get treatment because of Tuskegee was so fresh in their mind Thoughts that people are trying to exterminate black population Stop challenge the ongoing cycle Inequality the wider the inequality the worse the nation s overall health 1 in 10 Americans live in poverty People die younger in Harlem than Bangladesh from stress of everyday life neighborhood conditions poor air quality diseases associated with air conditioners diseases we think in 3 rd world countries not in our own 74 7 people million under 65 yers old w o health insurance for part of 2001 2002 Obama Care Affordable Care Act health care exchanges started October 1 2013 websites didn t work disaster people were criticizing it US healthcare system worse in efficiency equity and outcome Key difference lack universal healthcare bad in quality of care and access to doctors Leaders in cancer research pharmaceuticals We put profit over health Yes to Obama Care o o o o o Fewer uninsured No one will be turned away Staying on parents plan Free preventative care Paying for care not visits No to Obama Care o o o o o Expansion of Medicaid 10 million Americans will be forced off their chosen employer based health insurance by 2021 High deductibles Narrow provider networks Increases taxes
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