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Awithout or lack of a men orrhea without or lack of monthly flow ABaway away from ab norm al away away from normal or regular refers to ab ducens away draw or lead ABLE capable of or ability to erg able work capable of related term s IBLE ABORT IOto miscarry natural or induced abort ion to miscarry natural or induced procedure of or process of discharge of the embry o early or fet us young deliberate or not ABRUPT IOto tear away from abruptus placentae to tear away from separate quickly cake ABSCESS a going away abscess a going away tissue disintegration displacement Staph infection forming pus ACNE pointed Acne form pointed shape ACNE is a bacterial inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous oil gland Similar infections may cause acne or form lesions ACOUST Ihearing acoust ic hearing refers to related term s AUDIACR Oextremities height and pointed acro megal y extremities enlarged refers to acro phob ia height fear refers to acr om ial extremity shoulder refer to lateral triangle spine like projection of shoulder blade forming the point of shoulder articulating with clav icle key little or collarbone ACTIN Osun ray radium actino myco sis sun ray radium fungus condition growth Printable Flash Cards A to EMBRYO ACUsharp acu ity sharp process of seeing sharply or clearly acute quick sudden sharply AC refers to pertains to or state of cardi ac heart refers to pertains to or state of related term s AL AR ARY ATE EUM IAC IC ICAL ILE IS IUM ORY OUS UM US ADnear or beside ad ren al near or beside kidney refers to the ad ren al gland is located on top of kidney ADEN Ogland aden ectomy gland removal the following are common glands lymph nodes oil sweat and endocrine ADIP Ofat adip oma fat tumor adip oma is also known as lip oma related term s steato lipoAER Oair or gas aero cele air or gas distension of cavity like a tumor AFtoward af ferent toward to carry nerve or blood flow toward a structure ALB Owhite albin ism white state of albo leuco leuko all mean white ALGES Ipain an alges ic without pain refers to related term s AGRA ALGIA DOLO DYNIA ALGIA pain neur algia nerve pain related term s AGRA ALGESIA DOLO DYNIA Printable Flash Cards A to EMBRYO ALOPEC Ifox mange or baldness alopec ia fox mange or baldness refers to ALVEOL Icavity alveol us small hollow or cavity tooth socket and lung air sack refers to related term s SIN OAMBIboth ambi later al both sides refers to ambi dextr ous both right dominant hand refers to or state of dextero right sinistro left AMBUL Oto walk ambul atory to walk or walking process of AMPHIboth amphi arthr osis both sides joint condition of AMYLOstarch amyl uria starch in urine amyl ase starch enzyme ANlack of or without an orex ia lack of or without appetite refers to AN Oring an al ring sphincter of anus refer to ANAapart or up ana tom y apart or up cut procedure of or process of ana phase up stage mitosis stage when chromosomes move up or apart ANGI Ovessel angi oma vessel swelling or tumor related term s VAS OPrintable Flash Cards A to EMBRYO ANGIN OVessel angin a Refers to a vessel condition of choking or blocking of blood flow to the heart muscle which usually results in chest discomfort or pain ANKYL O fuse or bind ankylo spondylo itis fuse or bind stiff crooked spine inflammation ANTEbefore ante nat al before birth pertain to ante pyrect ic before fever refers to ANTER Obefore or foremost anter ior before or foremost in front refers to ANTHRAX coal or carbuncle anthr ax coal or carbuncle a lesion Types of Anthrax Cerebral Pulmonary Cutaneous and or Intestinal alternate spelling ANTHR OANTIagainst anti sept ic against infection refers to anti bio tic against life refers to ANEURYSMdilation or ballooning aneurysm oplasty dilation or ballooning usually blood vessel surgical repair APHERESIS to remove or separate blood into parts leuk aphere sis WBC to remove or separate blood into parts condition of separate blood into component parts or remove toxins APOabove or upon apo plex y above or upon paralyzed process of AQUAwater aqua therap y water treat process or procedure related term s HYDROPrintable Flash Cards A to EMBRYO ARACHINOspider arach oid spider resembles related term s ARACHN OARCHE Ofirst arche type first or original form or shape it produces other forms ARIA air mal aria bad air determined to be caused by protozoa carried by mosquitos ARTERI Oartery arterio gram artery recording arterio scler osis artery hard condition arter iol oma artery small swelling ARTHR O joint arthro scop ic joint viewing or examining pertains to ARTICUL Ojointed articula tion jointed process of the place of union between two or more bones AR refers to or pertains to patell ar little dish kneecap refers to Related Term s AC AL ARY ATE EUM IAC IC ICAL ILE IS IUM ORY OUS UM US ASCAR Iworm ascari asis worm condition of round nematode worm usually infecting intestines helminthiasis worm condition vermiform worm shape related term s HELMINTH O VERMI ASE enzyme lip ase fat enzyme ASTHENIA weakness my asthenia muscle without strength or having weakness neur asthenia nerve weakness Printable Flash Cards A to EMBRYO ASTHMApanting asthma tic panting refers to ATELOincomplete without end imperfect ending atelo spir osis incomplete without end imperfect ending breathing condition of ATHEROporridge or yellow fat athero scler osis porridge or yellow fat harden in lumen of blood vessels condition or disease athero scler osis kills 45 of U S population ATION process of or procedure of circul ation circle process of blood moving from heart and returning cardio graph y heart instrument to record procedure of related term s AGE IATION ING ION TION Y ATRESIA closure ven atresia vein closure abnormal closure of body opening occlusion ATRI Ochamber atri um chamber refers to corridors or chambers at top of heart ATTRIT Iwearing out attrit ion wearing out process of AUDIhearing audi olog y hearing science of or study of procedure or process of audio meter hear measurement related term s ACOUST IAUR Iear aur al ear pertains to aur icle ear small or little AUSCULT Oto listen auscult ation to listen physical diagnosis process of Printable Flash Cards A to EMBRYO AUTOself auto hypn osis self sleep condition of simulated sleep in alpha brain state of consciousness aut ism self state of AVULS Ito tear avuls ion to tear process of ligaments torn from bones related term s spadiBACILL Orod like bacill us rod like bacteria refers to BACTERI Orod bacter ia rod refers to rod was the first bacteria
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