GEO 155 1st Edition Lecture 17 Last Lecture Soils Outline of Current Lecture I Soil Distribution II Distribution of Soil Types a Transect from Arctic to Gulf Coast through Eastern North America b Transect from Northeast to Southwest United States c Some Non Regional Soils Current Lecture Soil Forming Factors Climate Organisms Relief Parent Material where soil came from Time how long soil has been developing CLORPT Soil Orders Transect from Arctic to Gulf 1 tundra Gelisol frozen soil 2 needle leaf evergreen forest Spodosol distinct O Horizon minimal A Horizon acidic iron oxides dissolved and removed from E Horizon making it pale concentration of iron oxides in B Horizon red These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 3 temperate broadleaf deciduous forest Alfisol leaves are easier to break down making the A Horizon distinct dark E Horizon lost clay to B Horizon not a big color difference texture is less stiff in E and more sticky in B 4 southeast Utisols like Alfisol except the horizons are deeper fewer nutrients redder color Time in northeast ice melted from ice age so soil is younger than the southeast soil that was not covered in glaciers leaching leaks more iron oxides Transect from NE to SW U S 5 grasslands Mollisol Midwest deep dark A Horizon making it agriculturally productive might find clay moving from E to B climate is drier so no rain to move the clay 6 subtropical desert shrubland Aridsol southwest slight A Horizon if there is an E or B horizon it means that the climate was wetter a long time ago Non Regional Soil Orders 7 Entisols young soils with weak A Horizons 8 Vertisols wet dry seasons smectites clay that absorbs water deep cracks in soil during dry season leads to mixing of soil from the top through the cracks soils swells during wet season covers top vertical mixing
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