JMC 1100 1st Edition Lecture 14 Current Lecture Media Uses and Effects Media Uses and Gratifications Review I ELM II 6 principles of persuasion III Third person effect IV Theory of planned behavior I have Seen the Enemy I Media as Evil a Subjects us to messages that could be manipulated b Controls what we see and discuss We use the media to Gratify Us II We have Individual Reasons for enjoying certain media content III We choose Specific Media to fulfill those reasons Uses and Gratifications Theory I People use particular media to gratify certain needs II Shifts from viewing people as victims of media use to actors of media use Criticisms of Uses and Gratifications I II Assumes that media consumption is rational and individualistic Relies on self reported descriptions of reason for media use a We are inclined to give socially desirable responses Why We Use Media I II III Learning a Daily News b Commonwealth of Ideas Habit a Part of our daily routine b Reward for week Companionship a Social connections b Parasocial Relationships i Connection to fictional characters can lead to emotional connections These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute IV Arousal a Sensation seeking i Looking for thrilling emotional triggering content ii Social desirability desire to look good to others V Relaxation VI Escape a Offers more exciting reality VII Social Interaction Enhancer a Gives us common content with friends and co workers VIII Passing Time a Threshold Effect Up to 10 hour week you re good b Addiction Men more likely Personal Dangers I Spending too much time with media a Displacement Hypothesis Time that we spend with media is displacing time we could spend on more important activities II Social Dangers a Learned Behaviors i Characters more likely to be sarcastic and aggressive ii Situations more Dramatic iii Both Higher Ratings Media Real Health Risks I Every two hours of TV watching makes us a 23 more likely obese b 15 more likely heart disease c 13 more likely to die of anything Why II III Media ads promote unhealthy food Media watching promotes snacking a Viewers ate 2x more snack foods habit likely to pay attention and eat when full Conclusion I Choose Media Carefully a Know your purpose for using media b Understand the benefits c Weigh the potential health issues
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