JMC 1100 1st Edition Lecture 13 Current Lecture Media Uses and Effects Persuasion II From Netflix to Jillian Michaels What makes an effective persuasive message Two Routes I Central a Interested in a the topic and intellectually involved b Carefully scrutinize the message c Arguments matter i Defenses up II Peripheral route a Not motivated to think about the topic b Little thought about the message c Secondary cues matter i Defenses down 6 principles of persuasion I 1 2 3 4 5 6 Robert Cialdini a Decades of research on why people comply with requests b Scientific methods at work i 2 million copies sold ii NYT best seller iii 27 different languages Reciprocity a Obligation to give when you receive Scarcity a People want more of things they have less of b Give the benefits what s unique and what they will lose Authority a People will follow the lead of credible experts Consistency a Looking for asking commitments that can be made Liking a People prefer to say yes to people they like i Those who are similar ii Give us compliments iii And corporate with us to similar goals Consensus a Look to the actions and behaviors of others to determine their own These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Third person effect II Is an individuals perception that the media has a stronger impact on others than on the self a Persuasive messages b News c Entertainment media Why does the third person effect occur 1 Self enhancement a Human tendency to perceive the self in ways that makes us look good or a at least better than other people 2 Illusion of personal invulnerability a Human tendency to be overconfident about the objective chances of experiencing a positive event or avoiding a negative event Theory of planned behavior III Helps to predict and explain whether and how persuasive message ex anit smoking ad would persuade a media consumer smoker his her behavior quit smoking a Attitude towards behavior b Felt social pressure to act c Belief in own ability to complete a task self efficacy i Lead to intention to act or not to act 1 Leads to behavior if all three are present
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