UH KIN 3309 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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KIN 3309 1nd Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 11 Lecture 1 January 26 Kinematics versus Kinetics Kinematics o Examines spatial space and temporal time characteristics of motion o Focuses on the amount type and direction of movement o Focuses on the speed or change in speed of the body o Does NOT refer to the force causing the motion o Ex How fast the object is moving how high it goes or how far it travels Kinetics o Examines the forces acting on a system such as the human body or an object o Focuses on the cause of movement o Force is important because they are responsible for creating movement and for maintaining positions and postures that have no movement o Ex Magnitude direction line of action point of application Linear Motion versus Angular Motion Linear Motion o AKA translation or translational motion o The movement along a straight or curved pathway in which all points on a body move the same distance in the same amount of time o All points on a body move the same distance same time o Ex sprinter trajectory of a baseball Angular Motion o The motion around some point so that different regions of the same body segment do not move through the same distance in a given amount of time o Angular motions occur around an imaginary line called the axis of rotation o The body is moving within a specific point o Different regions of the same body segment do not move through the same distance o Ex Swinging around a high bar somersault in the air Statics versus Dynamics Statics o Examines systems that are not moving OR are moving at a constant speed o Static systems are considered to be at equilibrium o Useful for determining stresses on the parts of the body o Examines systems not moving or moving at a constant speed o Ex How much force generated by the deltoid muscle is required to hold the arm out to the side Dynamics o Evaluates systems that are being accelerated o Ex Softball pitch Body Segments of the Skeleton can be divided into two portions axial and appendicular Axial o Head Neck and Trunk segments o Accounts for more than 50 of a person s weight Appendicular o Upper extremities and lower extremities o The segments become smaller as they move away from the trunk The description of a segmental position and joint movement is typically expressed relative to a designated starting position or Reference Position Anatomical Position o A standard reference point used by many o Body is upright face forward arms at the side with palms facing forward and legs together with feet pointing forward Fundamental Position o Preferred by many o Body is upright face forward arms are relaxed with the palms facing inward Relative Angle o AKA Joint Angle o The angle between two segments Relative Positions Medial toward the midline of the body o Ex The nose is medial to the ear Lateral away from the midline of the body o Ex The shoulder is lateral to the heart Proximal toward the point of attachment o Ex The shoulder is proximal to the wrist Distal away from the point of attachment o Ex The wrist is distal to the elbow Superior toward the top of the head o Ex The heart is superior to the stomach Inferior toward the bottom of the feet o Ex The nose is inferior to the eyes Anterior AKA ventral front o Ex The frontal lobe is anterior to the occipital lobe Posterior AKA dorsal back o Ex The hamstrings are posterior to the quadriceps Ipsilateral on the same side o Ex The left arm is Ipsilateral to the left leg Contralateral on opposite sides o Ex The left arm is contralateral to the right arm Movement Description Flexion o A bending movement in which the relative angle of the joint between two adjacent segments decreases Extension o A straightening movement in which the relative angle of the joint between two adjacent segments increases o It increases as the joint returns to the reference position Hyperflexion o Flexion movement goes beyond the normal range of flexion movement Hyperextension o Extension movement continues past the reference position Abduction o Moving away from the midline of the body Adduction o Moving toward the midline of the body Hyperabduction o Abduction past the 180 degree point Hyperadduction o Adduction past the 0 degree point Rotation o Can be either medial internal or lateral external o Rotations are described as right and left when referring to the head and trunk only Specialized Movement Descriptors Lateral Flexion o Applies only to the head or trunk Circumduction o Movement in a cone like way Horizontal Adduction o The combination of flexion and adduction Horizontal Abduction o The combination of extension and abduction Pronation o Turn palms downward Supination o Turn palms upward Radial flexion o Wrist joint moves the hand towards the thumb Ulnar flexion o Wrist joint moves the hand toward the pinky Movement Descriptors of the Foot Plantarflexion o Movement where toes point downwards o Angle between the foot and the leg increases Dorsiflexion o Movement where toes point upwards o Angle between the foot and leg decreases Inversion o Medial part of foot is lifted Eversion o Lateral part of food is lifted Pronation o A set of movements Dorsiflexion at the ankle joint Eversion Abduction of the forefoot Supination o A set of movements Plantarflexion at the ankle joint Inversion Adduction of the forefoot Reference Systems Frame are necessary for accurate observation and descriptions It consists of imaginary lines called axes that intersect at right angles at a common point called the origin Absolute Reference Frame o Axes intersect in the center of a joint and movement of a segment o Described with respect to that joint Relative Reference Frame o Axes are not horizontal and vertical o Movement of a segment is describer relative to the adjacent segment Planes and Axes Plane o A flat two dimensional surface Cardinal Planes o Planes that are positioned at right angles and intersect at the center of mass of the body Sagittal Cut into left and right halves Mediolateral axis Frontal coronal Cut into front and back halves Anteroposterior axis Transverse horizontal Cut into upper and lower halves Longitudinal axis Axis of Rotation o The point at which the movement occurs in a plane o It is perpendicular to the plane of motion Degrees of Freedom o The number of planes in which a joint has the ability to move 1 degrees of freedom 2 degrees of freedom Uniaxial Biaxial 3 degrees of freedom Lecture 2 January 28 Triaxial Types of Solid Materials related to Bone Tensile Materials o

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UH KIN 3309 - Exam 1 Study Guide

Type: Study Guide
Pages: 29
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